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Plot to resurrect “UN Mapping Report,” a dangerous conspiracy against Rwanda


A couple of days ago, Rwanda started facing a tirade of attacks which came one after another from different agencies in a manner that undoubtedly appeared to be well planned and coordinated. There was the Human rights Watch report, the accusations by NGOs – next Century Foundation and the UK Justice Congo Group, the Human rights Council, and then the “UN Group of Experts” report.


For those who know the modus operandi of these anti-Rwanda agencies, the HRW report and NGOs’ accusations were fronted in advance as a reinforcement of the “Group of Experts” report that was about to be released. This is how the shameful conspiracy against Rwanda is hatched. 


What is the purpose of trying to resurrect the so called “Mapping report”, which in fact was never qualified or published as a credible document?


First of all, it is important to note that the “Mapping report” was the work of anti-Rwanda elements and their supporters who are the same people trying to make another attempt to see that their conspiracy against Rwanda becomes acceptable through networks of powerful connections in UN agencies, International NGOs and individuals working against the government of Rwanda for decades.   


For example, among the authors of the “Mapping report” is one Carina Tertsakian of Human Rights Watch (HRW). After Carina was declared persona non grata in Rwanda in 2010 following her attempt to use forged documents to obtain a visa, she made it a personal duty to tarnish the image of Rwanda. That has become her life mission. Carina works closely with anti-Rwanda elements such as Congolese politicians Dr Dennis Mukwege, Martin Fayulu, and others.


The renewed noise about the “Mapping report” is a relentless effort by individuals and organisations both inside and outside the UN – to hijack UN processes with the intention of rewriting history – to inaccurately put the blame for the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda on the current Rwandan government. In their sinister agenda, they especially claim that there was a genocide against the Hutu that was committed by Rwanda in DRC, feeding into the double genocide theory. The proponents of the double genocide theory call for international sanctions against the government of Rwanda.


The authors of the “Mapping report” that never was, based their conclusions from anonymous sources, hearsays, unidentified investigators, and witnesses who lack credibility. They also used a flawed methodology that was challenged by the government of Rwanda, which fell short of the minimum standard required for a credible research evidence-based report.  


After the genocide against the Tutsi, members of the defeated Rwandan genocidal government forces, together with their armed Interahamwe militias crossed the border into former Zaire, where they were accommodated with their weapons – raising issues of complicity of the international community that assisted   the genocidal armed group to establish refugee camps near the border with Rwanda, contrary to international laws concerning the status of refugees.


The architects of the so called “Draft Mapping Report” by commission or omission,   ignored credible information of the situation from the UN Security Council, NGOs and many other eyewitnesses in the region who confirmed that armed genocidal forces, were let free to disguise themselves as civilian refugees and operated under the cover of UN refugee camps.


The authors also ignored the nature of the conflict that was ongoing within Zaire at the time, as well as the extensive repatriation and reintegration to Rwanda of over three million refugees.  This is notwithstanding the UN’s knowledge at the highest level regarding the repatriation process.  It also failed to address the glaring inconsistency that claims of a genocide directly contradicted by Rwanda’s extensive and coordinated efforts that were supported by the UN to repatriate, resettle, and reintegrate the over three million Rwandan refugees. 


The “Mapping report” whose architects selectively focused on the period between 1993 and 2003, deliberately chose to ignore the historical context where former Zaire president Mobutu Sese Seko sent troops to Rwanda in October 1990 to support President Juvénal Habyarimana who was killing innocent civilians and also help him fight against the Rwandese Patriotic Army (RPA).


The allegation that Rwanda might have committed genocide is a fraudulent attempt to give credence to the double genocide theory and blame Rwanda for the killing of Rwandan and Congolese, Hutu, and Tutsi alike. The claim makes part of the last stage of genocide, genocide denial, aimed at finding false equivalence to turn the victims and those who stopped the genocide into perpetrators.


The people behind the resurrection of the “Mapping report” wish to distort history and shift blame of the failures of the UN system to bring peace and stability in the Great Lakes region on the shoulders of the current Rwandan government.


Such a coordinated conspiracy against the Rwandan government has far reaching and dangerous consequences of undermining peace and stability in the region.
