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Rwanda’s peace support missions should not be politicized or taken for granted


Rwanda is one of the countries in Africa that is much talked about because of the rapid development trajectory it realized after the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi.


In some instances, Rwanda is referred to as a small country in central Africa which has a surface area of only 26,338 square kilometers. For some reasons, there are narratives about Rwanda which associate the geographical size with the ability and capacity of the country to achieve developmental goals and aspirations.


The narratives want to create an impression that since Rwanda is a small country, in size, its achievements have to be small. This is one of the misconceptions about Rwanda put forward, especially by foreigners.


Rwanda is a country that resurrected from the ashes after suffering the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi which left over one million innocent people dead in a period of 100 days.


It was the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA), the armed wing of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), that single-handedly stopped the genocide after the UN force abandoned thousands of people who had taken refuge in their compounds. The Rwandan people were betrayed and abandoned at a critical time of need. Hundreds of thousands were later brutally killed by the government forces and Interahamwe militias, whose remnants created FDLR, a terror group currently operating in DRC.


It should also be known that the victory of the RPA to liberate Rwanda was not an easy task. The government of Juvénal Habyarimana had several Western countries involved in the war by supplying weapons and military personnel who fought alongside government forces on the frontline. There is no single country from far or near that came to fight alongside the RPA forces.


Rwanda’s war of liberation taught Rwandans many lessons that the country applies today both at home and beyond.


One of the lessons is that no foreign country will ever give Rwandans peace; they have to find peace by themselves. 


The second is striving to be self-reliant without having to wait for external assistance. The third lesson is the commitment to ‘never again’ so that what happened in Rwanda should not happen in the future whether in Rwanda or elsewhere in the world.


After the horror of the genocide against the Tutsi, Rwanda adopted a unique perspective on peacekeeping.


The country joined hands with other countries to prevent atrocities and promote peace and security. This is a far bigger commitment that Rwanda has lived up to. The country has become an important contributor to UN peacekeeping operations, as well as in engagements in military peace operations on bilateral arrangements.


In 1994, Rwanda lived as a testimony that countries big and small could sit and do nothing when genocide was being committed. The post-genocide leadership of Rwanda vowed never to sit and do nothing.


Rwanda’s military assistance whether in UN peacekeeping missions, under the AU or on bilateral arrangements,  is based on the country’s commitment to the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine and the 2015 Kigali Principles on the Protection of Civilians. This is a philosophy adopted by Rwanda’s leadership derived from the history of fighting genocide perpetrators and protecting civilians.


Detractors have tried to link Rwanda’s military presence in the Central African Republic (CAR), Mozambique, and elsewhere, to economic and geopolitical interests.  This is absurd.


 The intention of such a narrative is to tarnish the image of Rwanda before the international community and take for granted the sacrifice of the Rwandans involved in peace support missions.


The politicization of Rwanda’s noble cause of rendering a hand to restore peace in troubled countries in Africa and beyond is not surprising but an indicator of how evil human minds can be. It is the same evil minds that are not happy with a small country that has built military strength stretching beyond her borders.


Rwanda has kept herself stable, secure, united, and prosperous.


Those politicizing Rwanda’s peace support initiatives are the same minds preoccupied with plotting regime change in Rwanda.


For those who care about Africa’s peace and security, Rwanda raised the bar higher than its geographical size and made a statement on the importance of cooperation to achieve lasting peace and security in Africa and beyond. 
