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Rwanda is shining: Her critics can go hang!


A bunch of Rwandan subversive elements comprising of notorious subversive elements Freeman Bikorwa; Rene Mugenzi; Jean Ngendahimana of Jambo asbl; and Claude Gatebuke have on different occasions held online TV shows criticizing the Government of Rwanda with the aim to mislead the public and divert their attention especially when a major event like the arrest of Felicien Kabuga happens. Their intentions are none other than instigating divisions among Rwandans to serve their agenda of overthrowing the GoR which has so far proved to be a farfetched dream. During their most recent appearance on the so called “Kumugaragaro online TV”, they made various baseless and empty accusations against the GoR leadership including the alleged tricks by the GoR to falsely accuse those in opposition the crime of terrorism. While giving examples, they cited how the Government of Rwanda falsely accused Rusesabagina of terrorism in 2010 after having allegedly transferred a mere 200 USD via western union.  

Despite your efforts to tarnish Rwanda’s image, Rusesabagina together with his partners in crime including the likes of Freeman Bikorwa; Rene Mugenzi; Jean Ngendahimana of Jambo asbl; and Claude Gatebuke are well known for their subversive activities against the Government of Rwanda. It would take no effort even to the most naïve person to confirm the involvement of Rusesabagina, one of your godfathers, in terrorism. As officially claimed by Paul RUSESABAGINA himself, he is one of the leaders of an armed coalition that recently claimed attacks in Rwanda. Paul RUSESABAGINA, in his capacity as the President of the PDR-Ihumure subversive group, is the co-founder of a coalition named Mouvement Rwandais pour le Changement Démocratique (MRCD), as per the coalition’s press communiqué Nr. 2018/03/02, issued in Brussels, on 18 March 2018, related to the partnership agreement co-signed with CNRD-Ubwiyunge, the FDLR splinter group led by Laurent Ndagijimana a.k.a. Wilson Irategeka Lumbago, and Rwanda Revolutionary Movement (RRM), the RNC (Rwanda National Congress) splinter group formerly led by Callixte NSABIMANA a.k.a. SANKARA. The above-mentioned MRCD press communiqué, co-signed by Paul RUSESABAGINA, on 18 March 2018 is on record.

It is also a well-known fact that MRCD, through its former spokesperson Callixte NSABIMANA a.k.a. SANKARA, publically acknowledged having launched armed attacks in Rwanda, with intent to remove the Government of Rwanda, including the attack of Nyabimata, Nyaruguru District, on 19 June 2019, where they killed two persons, injured three others, including the Executive Secretary of Nyabimata Sector, looted the population’s properties and burned the Vehicle of the Sector Executive Secretary. The MRCD spokesperson Callixte NSABIMANA a.k.a. SANKARA claimed their responsibility on various international radios including BBC and VOA, adding that they will not stop such activities until they overthrow the Government of Rwanda.

In a related development, Paul RUSESABAGINA has openly been involved in subversive activities against the Government of Rwanda since 2006 with the creation of PDR-Ihumure, with the aim to rally the support of all anti-Rwandan groups in destabilizing the Government of Rwanda. He has been conducting a smear campaign against the Government of Rwanda, including trotting the world spreading the “theory of double genocide” also claiming that there is an ongoing genocide against Hutu in Rwanda; and defending genocide fugitives, and meeting defense attorneys of genocide suspects held in Arusha as well as testifying in favour of four genocide suspects held in the UK. Although it is still too early to predict whether Rusesabagina will be one of Felecien Kabuga’s witnesses, it shouldn’t take anyone by surprise to see him defending Kabuga given his known record of defending hard-core genocidaires.

Additionally, there is compelling evidence – including wire transfers, witness testimony as well as information from law enforcement agencies confirming that Mr. Paul Rusesabagina (using his true name), has been sending money through Western Union, an American company, to armed groups in the DRC including individuals associated with the FDLR.

Former FDLR Commanders have testified that they were in regular communication with Mr. Rusesabagina (who was in the United States), and that from the U.S., he sent money through Western Union for the explicit purpose of waging war against Rwanda. Western Union documents reveal that on September 22nd 2009, Mr. Rusesabagina sent money through Western Union from San Antonio, Texas, to one of the Commanders, who at the time was in Bujumbura, Burundi. The recipient of these particular wire transfers, Lt. Col. Noel Habiyambere provided sworn testimony about Rusesabagina’s material support to FDLR armed elements in the DRC. In addition to wiring money himself, Mr. Rusesabagina ordered his subordinates (including one Innocent Minani who resides in Brussels) to send money to Western Union to Lt. Col. Noel Habiyambere who was then in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
It is also on record that Mr. Rusesabagina aided, abetted and conspired with or provided material support to terrorists. The specific aim of this conspiracy was to destabilize and undermine the Government of Rwanda.

It is unfortunate that Rwandan subversive elements are still stark in the old politics of hate. In the words of President Kagame, “We cannot turn our clock back, but we have the power to determine the future.” To you genocidaires and their sympathizers, it’s always never too late to change.
