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Through Victoire Ingabire the West wants return of Hutu Power in Rwanda


State and non-state actors as well as media in Western capitals refer to Victoire Ingabire as a fierce opposition politician who was jailed on trumped up charges and barred from competitive politics to deny her the opportunity to challenge Rwandan President Paul Kagame.

During the 26th Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) hosted by Rwanda in June 2022, some UK Members of Parliament visited Ingabire at her home which was seen as a political statement to the government of Rwanda to show their solidarity with ‘the fierce opposition politician and human rights activist.’

On the other side, the act was cynical and a betrayal to the Rwandan people for the MPs to support tropical Nazism.  

The West, when dealing with developing countries which they arrogantly refer to as third world countries, decide not to pay attention and understand the history and political landscape but simply take things for granted that all countries are the same, and the politics in these countries should be a reflection of Western models or else they are branded dictatorial, authoritarian and lacking democratic values.

They also tend to give orders on how developing countries should govern themselves, as if the countries do not have their own values and choices.

In Rwanda, Ingabire does not qualify to be called a politician because she shares the same divisive ideology as the extremist regime (HUTU POWER) that was responsible for planning and executing the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi.

Her dangerous ideology, similar to that of the Nazis, was made known to the world on January 16, 2010, when she arrived in Rwanda, from The Netherlands. Her first stop was at Kigali Genocide Memorial where she publicly announced that she could only see remains of the Tutsi, and yet the Hutu were also killed.

Ingabire is a double genocide ideologue. She thinks that by playing the ethnic card she will be appealing to the ‘majority HUTU’ who will rally behind her to defeat the “minority TUTSI’’, the same kind of politics and ideology of Hutu Power that dominated the genocidal regime of President Juvenal Habyarimana.

Under the new leadership of Rwanda led by President Kagame under the banner of RPF that defeated Hutu Power ideologues and stopped the genocide against the Tutsi, Rwandans have rejected politics of division.

Rwandans choose to have a national identity as Rwandans casting aside ethnic divisions under the ideology of “Ndi Umunyarwanda.”

While still in The Netherlands, on March 30, 2009, Ingabire told BBC-Radio (Kinyarwanda service) that if the government in Kigali does not change their ways there will be another 1994.” Ingabire shares this kind of language and ideology with FDLR, a terrorist group formed by remnants of the perpetrators of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi who want to return to Rwanda to “complete the genocide against the Tutsi.” She is also an unapologetic supporter of the Wazalendo militia in DRC responsible for killing Congolese Tutsi.

In September 2016, a delegation of EU MPs visited their Rwandan counterparts to share best practices on the rights of women and gender equality. Some EU MPs attempted to visit Ingabire in prison but they were denied access as it was not on the agenda of their visit.

After returning home, the MPs wrote in a report complaining about Rwanda’s constitutional amendment, lack of political space, media freedom and being blocked from accessing Ingabire in prison.

Would any delegation from Rwanda be allowed access to prisons in EU countries just as they wish?

This was a provocation of the Rwandan people and a statement to insinuate that Ingabire was a political prisoner denied her rights to challenge the status quo.

On September 13, 2012, European MPs nominated  Ingabire to receive the 2012 international edition of the Andrei Sakharov prize of the European Parliament for Freedom of Thought. Other former recipients of the prize include Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi of  Myanmar.

This not only constituted an abuse of the prestigious prize but showed that European MPs were hell bent on the return of Hutu Power ideologues into Rwandan politics.   

During the trial of Ingabire and her co-accused, in 2011, on charges of fueling insecurity and ethnic divisions, evidence in court showed that Ingabire was in constant contact with senior FDLR officers.  Ingabire’s co-accused, Lt Col Tharcisse Nditurende, Lt Col Noel Hitiyaremye, Capt Jean Marie Vianney Karuta and Maj Vital Uwumuremyi, were formerly in FDLR ranks and pleaded guilty to the charges of trying to destabilize Rwanda.

The court established that Ingabire got in contact with Nditurende, who was heading a battalion in FDLR in 2008, and asked him to break away and form an armed wing called Coalition des Forces Democratique (CDF) that was to be affiliated to her unregistered party, FDU-Inkingi.

After the 1994 genocide, a number of genocide suspects sought refuge in European countries. To cover up their crimes, they claimed to be politicians and human rights activist because they knew well that such a cover sales in Western countries, turning themselves victims rather than wanted criminals on the run.

Although Ingabire was not involved in genocide, she shares the Hutu Power genocide ideology and ethnic divisionism with those who committed the genocide against the Tutsi.

In 2018, Ingabire was released from prison on a presidential pardon, before completing a 15-year prison sentence, but she remains an unrepentant Hutu Power Ideologue. Similar to Nazism, people like her cannot be allowed to play politics in the new Rwanda however much Westerners and other actors dress her as a representative of the opposition.
