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Tshisekedi’s new plot to destabilize Rwanda using genocide convicts exposed


Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi is again leaving no stone unturned as he works to reinforce his relationship with genocide perpetrators, as part of a long-term strategy to wage war against Rwanda.

For the past years, Tshisekedi has openly said that he will support every possible efforts to overthrow the current democratic government in Rwanda headed by President Paul Kagame.

On different occasions, the Congolese head of state has met with several anti-Rwanda government forces including leaders of FDLR and pledged his support to them. Today, he is keeping his promises.

As per a confidential Note Verbale signed on July 26 by DRC’s Director of Cabinet, Anthony Nkizo Kamole, it is clear that Tshisekedi has been engaged in secret negotiations with the government of Niger to receive six Rwandan genocide convicts who were transferred by the UN Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT) which tried them for Genocide related crimes.

The six convicts in question are Sagahutu Innocent, Nzuwonemeye Francois Xavier, Mugiraneza Prosper, Nteziryayo Alphonse, Ntagerura Andre and Zigiranyirazo Protais.

They are former key figures of the Habyarimana regime which planned and executed the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda in 1994. They were all tried by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and later acquitted or released after serving their sentences in whole or in part.

A source that preferred anonymity revealed that Tshisekedi confidentially designated a special envoy to Niger, Ali Illiassou Dicko, 68, to convey his request to relocate these criminals to DRC.

“Since July, negotiations between Tshisekedi’s representative, the relocated persons’ counsel, and the government of Niger, have been ongoing to determine a smooth transition of these individuals” revealed the source.

The UN Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT), reported that, on July 15, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Niger met with Dicko and Kadidiatou Hamadou, the Nigerien-based lawyer for the Relocated Persons, to discuss DRC’s offer. On August 14, a meeting was held between the relocated persons and Tshisekedi’s special envoy.

Despite their acquittal or early release by the UN court, some of these individuals have been engaging in subversive activities against Rwanda, proving that they did not reform, and are oblivious to the consequences of the genocide crimes they committed.

Tshisekedi’s plan is to integrate these génocidaires into FDLR, which has been armed, supported, and is now working with his army, FARDC, in hopes of causing ‘regime change’ in Kigali, which has been the genocidaires’ wish for long.

The convicts' continued genocide ideology and anti-Rwanda sentiments match Tshisekedi’s agenda, hence his wish to offer them a safe haven and work with them to destabilize Rwanda.

Joining the FDLR in DRC has been a dream which Tshisekedi is helping the convicts to fulfill.  For instance, Sagahutu, a former ex-FAR Captain, who was granted an early release in 2014, tried to join FDLR in 2017 through the border of Burundi.

In March 2024, on Tshisekedi’s invitation, Sagahutu tried to cross to DRC using different names on a Burkina Faso passport and was suppose to go through Mali, Tanzania and end up in DRC to join and command the genocidal militia but his plans delayed due to leakage of information.

Sagahutu has been seen and heard on different media platforms calling for the overthrow of the Rwandan government, while clearly stating that he has plans to work with negative forces against Rwanda.

Tshisekedi’s continued rallying of Rwandan genocide fugitives to reinforce the FDLR terrorist group shows his bid to implement a long-term plan to wage war against Rwanda.

By providing sanctuary to genocidaires to destabilize Rwanda, Tshisekedi is not only causing a security threat to the entire region but also to his country where the venom of genocide ideology has already been spread targeting Kinyarwanda-speaking Congolese Tutsi.
