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Tshisekedi working tirelessly to support anti-Rwanda negative forces


Rwanda’s former Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Eugene-Richard Gasana (left) met with Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi (right) in DRC’s Presidential Palace, in May. The duo met again in New York, in September.

Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi left no stone unturned in bringing together anti-Rwanda negative forces in his grand plan for supporting ‘regime change’ in Kigali.

On different occasions, the Congolese head of state has met with self-proclaimed Rwandan government opponents and promised to give them a hand as much as he can.

Related: DRC army supplying arms to FDLR: HRW Report

While addressing thousands of Congolese youth in December 2022, Tshisekedi claimed that it is useless to look at Rwanda as an enemy; adding that it is the Rwandan regime led by President Paul Kagame, which is the enemy of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“Rwandans are our brothers and sisters. And, moreover, they need our help, because they are muzzled, to free them. They need our solidarity to rid us and rid Africa of these kinds of retrograde leaders who bring back the methods of the 60s and 70s," Tshisekedi said.

Related: DRC: Tshisekedi heavily arming FDLR, preparing for war

Five months later, Tshisekedi received Rwanda’s former Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Eugene-Richard Gasana, in DRC’s Presidential Palace.

Gasana who was fired from his UN post in 2016 was granted permanent US residency in 2018. From the US, he joined anti-Rwanda government subversive groups including the RNC terror group.

On May 22, Gasana and Tshisekedi discussed about uniting Rwandan negative groups to overthrow the Rwandan government.

Upon returning to New York, Gasana hurriedly gathered self-exiled Rwandans in the US and founded the Platform for Rwandans’ Common Good, a political movement aimed at collaborating with Tshisekedi to overthrow President Kagame.

On the occasion of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, in New York, Tshisekedi again did not miss the opportunity to discuss broadly with Gasana about how their plan is progressing.

The Congolese President met with Gasana and his colleagues even before addressing the Assembly. Tshisekedi’s priority during his September trip to the US was to meet anti-Rwanda negative forces.

The latest efforts by Tshisekedi are in addition to a long lasting collaboration between his regime and FDLR, a Rwandan terror group made up of remnants of the perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

In early August, the Congolese national army, FARDC, supplied FDLR with tons of ammunitions.

Instead of addressing the FDLR presence in eastern DRC, Kinshasa continues to incorporate the militia into the national army as well as supply them with arms and others means.

Presidential candidate Corneille Nangaa has confirmed that the Republican Guard of the DRC has recruited FDLR elements in Kinshasa and Lubumbashi.

The FDLR uses the opportunity to accumulate more heavy weapons for their plans to destabilize Rwanda; as its sole mission is to forcefully return to Rwanda, grab power, and finish its unfinished job which is massacring the Tutsi.

In October 2022, Human Rights Watch reported that Tshisekedi’s army supplied arms and ammunitions to the FDLR, and used the terrorist group with other militia groups to fight M23 rebels.

Col Salomon Tokolonga’s 3411th regiment, “provided more than a dozen boxes of ammunition to FDLR fighters in Kazaroho, one of their strongholds in the Virunga National Park, on July 21, while two months earlier, dozens of FDLR and CMC/FDP fighters reportedly took part in a large counteroffensive with government soldiers in the area around Rumangabo and Rugari,” HRW’s report noted.

An FDLR fighter told HRW that he witnessed four transfers of ammunition.

“It’s the government [troops] that would always provide us with ammunition,” he said. “They also gave us uniforms and boots.”
