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Uganda re registers NGO to facilitate RNC activities against Rwanda.


During the 4th Quadripartite Summit of Heads of State at Gatuna/Katuna boarder between Rwanda and Uganda on February 21, 2020, the Rwandan delegation tabled a number of issues that Uganda should consider, in the spirit of implementing the Luanda Memorandum of Understanding aimed at normalizing relations between the two countries.  One of the issues that Rwanda tabled, was the de-registration of Self-Worth Initiative(SWI), an NGO known to be a cover up of  Kayumba Nyamwasa’s Rwanda National Congress (RNC) activities in Uganda meant to destabilize Rwanda.

In a subsequent virtual meeting that took place  on June 4, 2020, as a follow up of the Gatuna Heads of State Summit, Uganda’s Minister of foreign affairs Sam Kutesa informed the Rwandan delegation that since the Gatuna Summit, Uganda had investigated the allegations that had been raised by Rwanda and responded to them.  “Notably among them was de-­ registration of Self-Worth Initiative, a Company Ltd by guarantee that Rwanda had called an NGO allegedly involved in activities aimed at destabilizing Rwanda,” Kutesa said. He further notified that the de- registration was done on March 12, officially announced in the official gazette on March 16, 2020, and on the following day, March 17, 2020, the Government of Rwanda was officially informed.

The statement from the Ugandan Minister in June last year, on de- registration of Self-Worth Initiative sounded like good news towards disbanding RNC activities in Uganda. The Great Lakes Eye has since established that Prossy Boonabana who was the CEO of SWI, has  re-registered the organization under new names as; Self-Worth Development Initiative (SWDI). The organization has similar objectives as SWI that Ugandan officials had reported de-registered, and Boonabana who coordinated SWI remains the coordinator of the new outfit with simply the word “Development” added on the new naming.

Prossy Boonabana and Sula Nuwamanya Wakabirigi are known coordinators and operatives of RNC activities in Uganda under the cover of SWI now changed to SWDI. Both RNC/CMI agents report to Col. CK. Asiimwe the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) Deputy Director of Counterterrorism who gives them the required facilitation in their operations meant to destabilize Rwanda. 

Prossy Boonabana and her CMI/RNC connections

Her official title is known as, “National Coordinator” for RNC activities in Uganda. The RNC uses Self-Worth Development Initiative to clandestinely coordinate its activities and collect funds from RNC members for the purpose of destabilizing Rwanda. Prossy is also a member of RNC media team that gathers information for CMI owned media outlets such as Command Post and Chimp Reports.

Prossy Boonabana uses her connections with CMI to get rid of Rwandans deemed a threat to her interests and those of RNC. On numerous occasions, she has extorted money and blackmailed Rwandan business community in different parts of Uganda. In order to intimidate them, she goes accompanied by armed CMI escorts and tells her victims to deposit money on her bank account in Cairo International Bank or the account of her associate Sula Nuwamanya at DTB Bank.

Since 2016, Boonabana worked with Kayumba Rugema a cousin of Kayumba Nyamwasa who was in charge of mobilization and recruitment activities in RNC Uganda chapter, to capture and hand over to CMI, Rwandans visiting or living in Uganda for torture accusing them of being spies. Prossy Boonabana, Kayumba Rugema and Sula Nuwamanya Wakabirigi are the ones who were assigned to start Self-Worth Initiative.

Boonabana now works closely with Frank Ntwali who operates as the Commissioner for Youth in RNC and Serge Ndayizeye the director of RNC’s Itahuka online Radio.

Who is Prossy Boonabana?

The character of Boonabana can be described as cunning and mafia like. When she met with Museveni last year  at State House together with her colleague Sula Nuwamanya,  “in order for the president to warn them” to disband Self-Worth Initiative activities, she demanded for security which was granted yet on her extortion blackmail errands, she moves along with  armed CMI operatives at her service. People wondered why she had to  play such theatrics that her life was in danger and she needed to have  security!

Her background is as dubious as her present state of life. She was born to a Burundian father known as Kaboyi who worked as a driver for the police during Obote regime. Her father had two wives and Boonabana’s mother was a Rwandan. Her mother lived in Entebbe whereas her step-mother lived in Kirembo village-Nakasongola. In the 1980s, her father Kaboyi worked with Obote regime police to hunt and torture Rwandan families that had their sons who joined NRA rebels in the Luwero triangle.  Around 1985, when NRA controlled many parts of Uganda including Nakasongola, Kaboyi was arrested and beaten for his treacherous acts. When NRA captured Kampala, the fear stricken Kaboyi ran away from his Entebbe home leaving behind Boonabana’s mother to fend for herself and her children, and  went to hide in his second home in  Nakasongola.

Prossy Boonabana joined her father in Nakasongola and when she was in primary five; she was caught having sex with a security guard resulting into being heavily punished while the security guard was dismissed from the school. In Primary seven, her prostitution habit persisted and she was again caught having sex with a teacher. She became a public scorn in school until her parents decided to send her to Rwanda, far away to save the family from embarrassment of their daughter’s bad behavior.

  In Rwanda Boonabana did her secondary education at International Academy- Kicukiro. It is not clear how she left the school but a few years later she returned to Uganda where she teemed up with Sula Nuwamanya and other RNC dissidents like Kayumba Rugema to form Self-Worth Initiative with the purpose of coordinating RNC activities in Uganda and collect fund from members.

The fact that Prossy Boonabana has been allowed to re-register Self-Worth Initiative that is used by RNC in its plot against Rwanda is an indication that Uganda has never ceased to support Kayumba Nyamwasa’s terror group activities in Uganda. Around Christmas time last year, two Rwandan nationals George Bazatoha and Mathew Nsabimana were abducted by CMI operatives led by one Major Nelson Kyatuka. As usual the allegation was that they are Rwandan spies!

If anyone is deceived that Uganda is committed to the implementation of the Luanda Memorandum of Understanding aimed at normalizing relations between Rwanda and Uganda; hold your hope for now.
