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What makes RPF a dominant political organization in Rwandan Politics?


Since its inception, in 1987, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) has steadily risen to become the most popular and influential political organization in Rwanda. With a potent blend of history, ideology, and governance, the RPF cemented its position as the driving force behind Rwanda's miraculous socio-economic and political transformation in the last 30 years.


To understand the RPF's ascendancy, one must delve into its historical roots.


Formed by Rwandan refugees in exile who had fled earlier political persecutions of 1959, the 1960s and 1973, RPF was born out of the crucible of adversity. Faced with persecution and marginalization, the refugees sought to reclaim their homeland and restore the dignity of their people.


The RPF is the only political organization in the country that had an army, the Rwandese Patriotic Army (RPA), which fought a four year war of liberation. This army latter transformed into a national army.


As Rwandans gear up for presidential and parliamentary elections, on July 15, it is common practice that sections of Western media will start writing opinions suggesting that the RPF flag bearer, President Paul Kagame, has been in power for long and therefore, the country needs a change.


Such views are known to come from people who do not wish Rwanda well.


“Kagame is a rare leader to find. His vision and achievements for Rwanda has been the envy for many African people and beyond,” a foreign diplomat who preferred anonymity declared, in a discussion on why many African countries lack effective leadership. To majority Rwandans, the achievements of RPF under Kagame, are the reason why they still need RPF and its chairman to continue leading the country to greater prosperity.


The RPF journey has not been a bed of roses. It endured four years of armed struggle against the oppressive regimes that planned and carried out the genocide against the Tutsi in 1994, killing more than one million people.


The RPF single handedly stopped the genocide against the Tutsi when the international community was even declining to recognize that a genocide had been committed.


Rwanda emerged from the ashes of an almost failed state, building from nothing to what it is today.


The RPF's strength lies not only in its military prowess but also in its ability to unite a fractured nation. By promoting the principles of unity, reconciliation, and inclusivity, the RPF has bridged ethnic divides and fostered a sense of national identity among Rwandans.


Popular support


The RPF's popularity among Rwandans is undeniable. First, being able to return millions of refugees who had spent 30 years in exile, defeating a regime that thrived on divisive politics, stopping the genocide against the Tutsi, and transforming the country into one of the fastest growing economies on the continent are no small achievements. Majority Rwandans feel proud of belonging and identifying themselves with RPF.


Through its policies and programs, the RPF has delivered tangible improvements in the lives of ordinary citizens. From economic development initiatives to social welfare programs, the RPF has endeavored to uplift the nation and empower its people.


In the last decade, more than one million people have been lifted out of extreme poverty. This is the very reason why other political parties have rallied behind RPF’s presidential candidate during elections.


Life expectancy has moved from 49 years in 2000 to 70.27 years in 2024. The current infant mortality rate in 2024 is 21.6 deaths per 1000 live births, which is far below the average infant mortality rate for the entire Africa, which stands at 41.586 deaths per 1000 live births. The maternal mortality ratio improved from 1,007 in 2000 to 259 in 2020.


Rwanda is a role model of Universal Health Coverage in Africa, where all citizens including refugees have access to the health services they need.  The list is endless.


The RPF's commitment to good governance and zero tolerance for corruption earned it widespread admiration domestically and internationally.


Rwandans view the RPF as a beacon of hope and progress, a force for positive change in a region plagued by instability and conflict.


Manifesto and vision


At the heart of the RPF's appeal lies its visionary manifesto, which outlines a comprehensive roadmap for Rwanda's future. Central to this vision is the pursuit of sustainable development, guided by the principles of democracy, accountability, and social justice.


The RPF's manifesto emphasizes the importance of inclusive growth, ensuring that all segments of society have equal access to opportunities and resources. It prioritizes investment in education, healthcare, and infrastructure, recognizing them as the building blocks of a prosperous nation.


The RPF is committed to fostering a vibrant economy driven by innovation and entrepreneurship. The strive for self-reliance (Kwigira) rather than being dependent on foreign aid is at the core of RPF principles.

It seeks to harness Rwanda's human capital and natural resources to fuel economic growth and create employment opportunities for its citizens.


In the realm of foreign policy, the RPF advocates for regional integration and cooperation, believing that collective action is essential to addressing common challenges such as poverty, disease, and environmental degradation.


By engaging with its neighbors and the international community, Rwanda can leverage its strengths and contribute to global peace and development.


The RPF emerged as the pre-eminent political force in Rwanda, buoyed by its historical legacy, popular support, and visionary leadership.


Through its steadfast commitment to unity, reconciliation, and progress, the RPF has transformed Rwanda into a beacon of hope and stability in a turbulent region.


As Rwanda continues its journey towards prosperity and peace, the RPF is poised to lead the way, guided by its unwavering vision of a better future for all Rwandans.
