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What to expect from Kagame’s next term


Rwandan President Paul Kagame.

Over the past 30 years, Rwanda has become a beacon of progress and unity under the visionary leadership of President Paul Kagame and RPF-Inkotanyi as the engine of the government.

Despite the criticisms and misrepresentations from detractors, Kagame’s impact on Rwanda’s remarkable journey is undeniable.

 During his acceptance speech, after winning the July 14-15 elections, Kagame said, “The action of campaign and the outcome of elections as it was just announced hold a special meaning to me, it means the trust that I appreciate you for.”

“The trust you give is beyond explanation. Those high numbers are not just numbers, even if it was 100 per cent, it wouldn’t be just numbers, it is that trust that is the most important thing.”

“We work together to face problems, fix those which can be fixed and for those which can’t be fixed in the moment, we build additional resources that will allow us to pass through them. Rwanda now returns to its mission of national development. The world will continue to marvel at our success, and we are confident that the unity and dedication displayed during the elections will propel Rwanda to greater heights."

To comprehend the choices Rwandans made at the polls, it is necessary to understand where Rwanda is today in relation to its past.

Where once annual income per capita was as low as $130, today it’s nearly $1,000. Life expectancy has risen from a low of 40 years to 67 years. Currently, 83 percent of Rwandans can read and write, 91 percent of women give birth in health centres, and 77 percent of homes have access to electricity. Children receive free primary and secondary education in government schools, and farmers can access subsidised fertilisers.

Kagame and the ruling party, Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), are universally acknowledged as the architects of this progress. They are pursuing a vision of a developed Rwanda with world-class infrastructure, high standards of living and a welfare system that cares for its most vulnerable.

The RPF’s political agenda is built on nine golden pillars; unity of all Rwandans, sovereignty and security of Rwanda, zero tolerance to corruption, international relations, economic development, democratic leadership, social welfare, eliminating all causes of refugee status, and fighting genocide and its ideology.

Rwanda’s political history was marked by discriminatory politics and segregation where not all of the facets of society were welcome to any political party they may choose to join. For RPF, national unity begins within the party itself.

At all levels, RPF instilled a strict code of conduct among all members regardless of their level vis-à-vis the party’s initial values and guiding principles. As such, highest levels of discipline, loyalty and the spirit of sacrifice are remarkable across the party’s members.

For RPF, the citizen is at the centre of governance and the country’s citizens participate in the country’s governance. They participate by voicing their ideas so that their problems may be solved, by electing their leaders, by implementing solutions to their problems and by removing these leaders whenever they are unable to carry out their obligations.

The RPF believes that youth are a golden force that powers lasting positive change and rapid transformation that Rwanda envisages.

Youth integration, mentorship and empowerment are at the forefront of the party’s leadership strategy as it is stipulated by its manifesto (2017-2024).

One of the main factors that prevent any political party from focusing is the lack of proper resources or financing, which can even lead to deviation from the initial agenda to please external supporters. Over the last 35 years, RPF has always believed in self-reliance and used this as a key approach to its leadership of the nation.

The RPF built a strong internal mechanism of financing, mainly through members’ contributions at all levels as well as strategic investments. Currently, the party has adequate offices and vibrant operations at all levels.

RPF’s 35-year journey of uncompromised success comes from the party’s day-to-day focus on ensuring that it continues to exercise stronger, tougher, responsible and respected leadership that puts the spirit of accountability and delivery first.

For the next five years, the RPF seeks to build on what it achieved so far towards the national Vision 2050 that aims at achieving sustainable development and better quality of life for every Rwandan.
