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What will happen if Tshisekedi gets a second term?


The DRC's President Félix Tshisekedi

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is set to hold general elections on December 20.

According to the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI), a list of 25 candidates will face current Congolese president Felix Tshisekedi, who is seeking a second five-year term.

No matter how strong or united the opposition is, Tshisekedi has already paved his way to stay in office.

Tshisekedi’s five-year term in office was characterized with human rights violations, deteriorating security situation, violence, and corruption. The economic and social situation in DRC only worsened.

With nothing to present but broken promises, what would Tshisekedi deliver to the Congolese if he frauds himself into the top office again?

For almost three decades, the east of DRC has been a safe haven for more than 200 local and foreign armed groups, leading to hundreds of Congolese losing their lives and thousands of others being displaced. Tshisekedi never showed any will to solve the conflicts and stabilize the country.

Initiatives like the Luanda and Nairobi peace agreements were violated. The agreements stipulated a ceasefire of all armed groups, political dialogue with armed groups, and the deployment of the EAC regional peace keeping mission, among others.

Instead of following the agreements’ roadmap, and supporting the ceasefire, Tshisekedi heavily armed the genocidal FDLR, a group made of perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. The FDLR formed a coalition with the Congolese army, European mercenaries, and other militia groups, to fight the M23 rebels, effectively violating the ceasefire.

Tshisekedi has also been eager to chase the East African Community Regional Force out his country, yet the force made significant progress in upholding the ceasefire, and bringing peace in the region.

Purposely violating the Luanda and Nairobi peace initiatives showed that Tshisekedi does not want peace and his stay in office will only fuel the security crisis in the east of his country.

Tshisekedi’s failures in handling eastern DRC conflicts are rooted in his fragile leadership approaches. He choose to scapegoat Rwanda.

Tshisekedi said that he is not interested in building bridges with Rwanda. He prefers to build walls. This shows that the Congolese leader will keep failing diplomatically, in his next term.

When he took office, Tshisekedi listed a series of promises aimed at improving the welfare of the Congolese population. The Congolese were hopeful. But, unfortunately for them, after five years in power there is more trouble, misery and pain. 

The Congolese should not expect any better if Tshisekedi is re-elected.
