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Are Kenyans ready for a female Deputy President?


Azimio coalition leader Raila Odinga with NARC-Kenya leader Martha Karua

Since independence, Kenya has had four presidents, one Prime Minister and 11 vice presidents who are all men. The top most political positions therefore, have been a reserve for men only.  In general, the percentage of women in Kenya political positions is still very low. 

 In 2020, women held 21.8 percent seats in Kenya's parliament. The situation improved after 2010, when the new Constitution of Kenya required no more than two-thirds of the National Assembly to be of the same gender. However, the requirement has not been met and, despite the progress, women's participation in the Kenyan parliament is still ranked below the average in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Voices of Kenyan women politicians have come up demanding for higher stakes in the up-coming general elections slated for August 2022. Women leaders from 26 different political parties within Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance coalition, agreed to support the nomination of NARC Kenya leader Martha Karua as Raila Odinga’s running mate. If she is nominated and Raila wins elections, this will automatically put Karua’s name in the books of history as Kenya’s first female vice president.  

Veteran political analyst  Mutahi Ngunyi’s opinion on who should be Raila’s running mate, is in agreement with the Azimio women leaders. Ngunyi tweeted that, “The VERDICT is OUT: It is Martha Karua as Raila’s Running MATE. I said it in JUNE 2021. And what I saw then, has NOT changed. She is the ONE. End of DISCUSSION.”


On the same day, April 18, Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu led a section of women leaders supporting Raila for the Presidency and argued the Orange party leader to nominate Karua for the running mate position. According to Ngilu, Karua will ensure that Raila wins the majority of the Women’s vote in August.

 “Women form half of the registered voters in Kenya today. Deservedly we the women unanimously propose and endorse Martha Karua as Baba’s running mate,” she said.

Although Ngilu herself in the past mentioned that she is confident of handling the role of Deputy President if offered the chance, her support for Karua as Raila’s running mate indicates that she has shelved her ambitions of campaigning for the same post.

Both Ngilu and Karua are the most prominent women politicians in Kenya having run for presidency in 1997 and 2013 respectively. Ngilu also served as the Minister for health in President Mwai Kibaki’s cabinet, while Karua served as Minister for Water and Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs.

Political analysts believe that the choice of Karua as Raila’s running mate will give the Azimio coalition a double score of wooing Mt. Kenya voters and also reap women votes.  It is believed that both Raila and Ruto are carefully strategizing to pick running mates who will bring on their side the vote rich Mt Kenya region.

On the other hand, Kalonzo Musyoka has openly come out to demand being nominated as Raila’s running mate, with his supporters threatening to withdraw their support from Azimio la Umoja should Raila nominate someone else. Kalonzo dismissed the team formed to pick a Raila running mate led by head of public service Joseph Kinyua.

 “What will happen is that there will be talks between [Mr Odinga] myself and President Kenyatta. That is how we formed the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition so take it to the bank that I am in the decision-making team,” Kalonzo said on April 17, at Redeemed Gospel Church, Liberty Christian Centre in Nairobi.

As presidential candidates are required to name their running mates by April 28, there is a general view among majority Azimio coalition members that Karua is the most preferred candidate for the running mate position, contrary to earlier speculations that Peter Kenneth would be the right choice.

Raila’s current puzzle is how to handle the thorny issue of Kalonzo’s demand for the post of running mate, and how his likely fall out may affect voters from his Ukambani backyard.

Narok County Senator Ledama Olekina took to twitter and attacked Kalonzo.

“Stop your sense-less demands. Show us the votes… progressive Kenyans will not listen to you… sis twasonga mbele..

Kalonzo has been nicknamed Watermelon for his double language in politics, hence lack of trust. With less chances of becoming Azimio running mate, there are speculations that he is already eying shifting to Ruto’s camp. 
