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DRC's isolationist stance self-defeatist


One year after joining the East African Community, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has shown little involvement with the regional organization. The country detaches itself from the community’s many activities aimed at achieving its objectives including security, stability, and political unification, despite being the one most in need.

For many years, eastern DRC has been experiencing an alarming uptick in conflicts, terrorist group violence, and armed group fights against government forces including the recent resurgence of the M23 rebels in late 2021.

The EAC made this protracted security situation its top priority by putting a lot of effort into finding lasting peace for its newest member, but Kinshasa keep playing the isolation card in its problem.

On February 4, the EAC Heads of State held the 20th Extra-Ordinary Summit in Bujumbura, Burundi, to evaluate the security situation in eastern DRC and find a solution. A statement issued after their summit stated that the leaders called for an "immediate ceasefire” by all parties and the withdrawal of all armed groups, including foreign armed groups.

The Presidents emphasized that these activities have to be complemented by dialogue.

A day after the summit which Congolese President, Felix Tshisekedi, himself attended, Kinshasa contradicted the summit’s resolution and issued a communiqué stating that DRC will not dialogue with the rebels.

A few days later, on February 15 to 17, Congolese lawmakers boycotted a retreat of the members of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) that was held in Kampala and Kigali, alleging that they were concerned about their security despite both countries being safe. 

Refusing to join other members of the Assembly revealed that DRC is opposed to the EAC integration from which Tshisekedi signed the Treaty of Accession in March 2022 and reaffirm his country’s readiness to play its role in the Community to make it stronger and more prosperous.

This was a clear sign that DRC doesn’t want to work together with the EAC, which invests all its effort to end the fighting endangering the entire region's peace and stability.

Since August 2022, the EAC started deploying a joint force, to quell the violence and help restore peace and stability. EACRF has made tremendous progress and efforts in restoring peace in eastern DRC. The forces took over most of the areas that were previously occupied by M23 rebels.  

Despite the EACRF’s remarkable job and efforts in restoring peace, Kinshasa does not wish to extend the regional force’s mandate but wishes for their departure.

DRC President wished EACRF to fight the M23 rebels, contrary to their mandate, which was using force only when the rebels refuse to withdraw. Now Kinshasa accuses them of ‘collaborating and favoring’ the rebels.

Kinshasa spoils every peace-restoring effort made by the regional bloc and keeps pushing the narrative that Rwanda is the aggressor, and the DRC is the perpetual victim.

Tshisekedi is promoting an isolationist policy by distancing his government from any initiative of the Community. This only disrupts the development of regional initiatives that aim to deepen cooperation among partner states.

On April 28, the commander of the East African Community Regional Force (EACRF) Maj Gen Jeff Nyagah resigned; citing safety concerns after unknown people threatened him.

“As you are aware, there was an attempt to intimidate my security at my former residence by deploying foreign military contractors (mercenaries) who placed monitoring devices, flew drones, and conducted physical surveillance of my residence in early January 2023 forcing me to relocate,” reads part of the resignation letter.

Intimidating EACRF personnel to leave the country, downplaying the regional force’s work, and openly showing signs of distrust towards EAC is a sign that Tshisekedi is willingly worsening problems in eastern DRC, to postpone the December elections.

He does not have any interest in a ceasefire or dialogue.

He wants every effort made to restore peace in DRC to fail so that he can stay in office. 
