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DRC: What role has MONUSCO after deployment of regional force?


The UN Security Council on December 20 extended the mandate of its stabilization mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) by one year. The move is questionable given that the mission failed to restore security in eastern DRC despite having around 12,400 troops and costing more than $1 billion, annually, for two decades.


Introduced in November 1999, then as MONUC, the mission has brought no positive change. The UN peacekeepers have consistently failed the Congolese population, with the latter often protesting against the presence of the blue helmets. Armed groups in DRC have increased from about five to more than 130, presently. Many of these groups receive support from the Congolese army, with MONUSCO’s knowledge.


Following the resurgence of the M23 rebels since late 2021, East African Regional Force (EARF) was established in November to secure the city of Goma – which is also the Force’s headquarters – from rebels as they await the completion of the Nairobi and Luanda peace processes.


On the ground, the regional force is supposed to take over roles of MONUSCO, in an ambitious program by EAC leaders to bring peace to eastern DRC. The Congolese have been protesting against the UN mission. They want it to to leave their country because its collaboration with their national army failed to stop the M23 rebels from advancing. The mission’s failures are not only in Rutshuru territory controlled by the M23, but also in Beni territory, North Kivu, and in southern Ituri where the ADF terrorist group operates.


The recently leaked report of the UN Group of experts revealed that since April, ADF attacks resulted in the death of at least 370 civilians, abductions of at least 374, including a significant number of children. This terrorist group looted and burned hundreds of houses, destroyed and looted health centers, mainly in an effort to obtain medical supplies.


As noted, ADF continued to conduct operations in the southeast, in Bashu chefferie, reaching Lubero territory with increased activity in and around Butembo , including two IED attacks  and a prison break that resulted in the massive recruitment of some hundreds of detainees as intended.


“The assailants looted and set afire two health centers, four pharmacies, several civilian houses and shops. A medical worker and several patients were burnt alive in a hospital,” reads the experts’ report, in part.


In October, ADF attacked different villages in Irumu territory killing dozens of civilians including women and children. Villagers were abducted and at least 36 houses burnt. The same month saw ADF attacking Maboya in Beni territory, killing at least seven civilians, including three women, and abducting more than a dozen civilians who were forced to carry loot.


Human Rights Watch in October reported that FDLR fighters killed hundreds of civilians over the years, at times hacking them to death with machetes or hoes, or burning them to death in their homes. The genocidal militia from Rwanda also committed countless rapes and other acts of sexual violence in eastern DRC but MONUSCO has continously failed, or refused, to put an end to the militia’s atrocities.


The FDLR is widely and openly spreading genocide ideology in DRC, which has escalated the ongoing hate speech and violence against Rwandophone Congolese. It is specifically behind the looming threat of genocide against Congolese Tutsi. The UN mission knows all this but keeps silent.


The question now is; what is MONUSCO really doing in DRC, when it never met any of its mandate obligations? Why extend its stay in the region?

Having done nothing within more than two decades in DRC, the Mission will still do nothing positive whether its stay is extended a hundred more years. 
