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Five key things to know about Rwanda’s 2024 elections


The year 2024 is going to be momentous for Rwandans, as the nation will hold general elections in July.

The Presidential and parliamentary elections will be held at the same time following the revision of the Rwandan constitution, in August 2023, allowing both elections to take place on the same day so as to save time and money.

The polling date throughout the country is July 15, while the Diaspora will vote on July 14.

Here are five key things to know about the 2024 election:

Election budget minimized

The decision to combine presidential and parliamentary elections aimed at minimizing election budget.

Parliamentary elections would have cost around Rwf7.2 billion, and presidential elections just about the same amount, a year later.

The new plan to hold them at one time minimized the election budget from Rwf14 billion to Rwf8.1 billion.

Internal sourcing

While many African countries have been sourcing election budgets from foreign donors, Rwanda sources its election budget internally.

The east African country does not struggle with any deceptions from foreign financial supports for elections, which would lead to lack of independence in holding free and fair elections.

Historically, external sourcing has been a channel of foreign interference in elections within African countries. Rwanda found a home grown solution for that challenge; by thinking out of the box, and big. Self sufficiency is key.

Voluntary polling agents

Between 60,000 and 70,000 voluntary polling agents will be deployed to facilitate the general elections. This indicates not only patriotism but also Rwandans’ will to contribute to fair and free elections without hefty cost.

In many countries, polling agents are provided with wages; sometimes leading to infiltrating election results in favor of the ruling parties.

Rwandan elections a festive season

Rwandans are always happy during elections. Rwandans are therefore getting ready for a big party, in a newly renovated 45,000-seater Amahoro National Stadium.

Rwanda is known for no election related violence since three decades ago.

Elected President will serve a fiver-year term

The upcoming election will mark the first time a Rwandan President serves a five-year term as per the new Constitutional amendment.
