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Kenya: OKA-AZIMIO pact could be a game changer for Odinga


On Saturday, March 12, 2022, Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka called on the One Kenya Alliance (OKA) members to support Raila Odinga as their preferred presidential candidate in the general elections slated for August 2022.

Odinga who is the Orange Democratic Party (ODM) leader was also endorsed by more than 20 affiliate parties of Azimio la Umoja Movement as their presidential candidate. This was during a colourful National Delegates Convention (NDC) held at Jacaranda grounds in Nairobi. It was attended by thousands of supporters.

Mentioning, for the first time, that he will support the presidential candidacy of Odinga, Kalonzo said: “Our preferred candidate is Mr Raila Odinga. I therefore ask all OKA members to support him to ensure the country is not handed to corrupt individuals, I believe Raila won’t fail us.”

Kalonzo reminded supporters that it would have been his turn to be supported by Odinga.

“I thought Raila would return favour this time round, but I have endorsed him in good faith,” he said.

In 2013 and 2017, Kalonzo was Odinga’s running mate.

What added value can OKA bring Odinga?


The OKA principles signed a coalition agreement one day before Odinga’s Azimio la Umoja National Delegates Conference.


Those who signed were: Kalonzo Musyoka- Wiper Party, Gideon Moi- KANU Chairman, Martha Karua- NARC-KENYA, David Ochieng- Democracy and Growth (MDG) party leader and Irungu Nyakera for Farmers Party-Kenya leader.

Kalonzo is a veteran politician who wields much influence in the Ukambani region. 


By joining AZIMIO, he is capable of bringing more votes that will boost Odinga’s chances to win. Kalonzo has vast experience in government, having served under President Daniel Arap Moi as Minister for Foreign Affairs from 1993 until 1998. Under President Mwai Kibaki, he was Minister of Foreign Affairs again from 2003 to 2004, then Minister of the Environment from 2004 to 2005. He later served as the Deputy President of Kenya from 2008 to 2013.


In political circles, Kalonzo is a man considered to change positions anytime, earning him the nickname, watermelon. In an interview with NTV in June 2021, Kalonzo was quoted saying he would be “the most stupid person on earth,” to endorse Odinga, who was his co-principal in the National Super Alliance (NASA).


He accused Odinga of failing to honour their 2017 coalition agreement which brought together Odinga of ODM, Kalonzo (Wiper), Musalia Mudavadi (ANC) and Moses Wetangula (Ford Kenya).


Gideon Moi who is the Baringo Senator and son of former President, Moi, has influence in the rift valley region and therefore, capable of diving Ruto’s supporters. Gideon is the chairman of KANU which is the independence political party, again likely to attract old voters still nostalgic about KANU independence gains.  

Karua, apart from being a veteran politician, and a former minister of Justice in the Kibaki government, does not hold much influence in her Gichugu Constituency in Kirinyaga County. She is known as a no-nonsense tough talking lady, a personality that cost her supporters in political circles. She resigned as Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs in April 2009, citing frustrations in discharging her duties.

A clear example of her frustrations was when President Kibaki appointed judges without her knowledge a few days before her resignation.

Cyrus Jirongo, is a politician who came to limelight through Youth for KANU (YK92), a controversial pact that was allegedly used to siphon public funds and maintain KANU in power under President Moi. Jirongo and Ruto belonged to YK92, and it is believed to be the source of their wealth.

In 1997, Jirongo contested and won the Lugari parliament seat (Western Kenya) and was appointed as a Minister for Rural Development. Apart from being the leader of the little known UDP party, Jirongo has been out of active politics for decades. He is a prominent businessman who is always in and out of commercial courts on multimillion fraud cases. Practically, he has no voters to offer in case of an alliance between OKA and AZIMIO.

David Ochieng of Movement for Democracy and Growth (MDG), who is the MP for Ugenya Constituency in western Kenya, and Irungu Nyakera for Farmers Party-Kenya, although they lead little  known political parties, their contribution to AZIMIO in terms of votes cannot be ignored.  

Generally speaking, the coalition deal between AZIMIO and OKA could be a game changer for  Odinga, giving him a bigger advantage over Ruto, to win the August presidential elections. 
