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Museveni plot against Abiy govt exposed


While the Ethiopian government battles the Tigrayan rebels, Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni is operating behind the scenes plotting for the downfall of Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali’s government. Although Uganda and Ethiopia share no common border, Museveni’s ambitions go beyond ruling Uganda, to become a regional and continental superman.

Uganda's land forces commander, Gen. Muhoozi Keinerugaba, who is Museveni’s son, exposed the intentions of his father against the Ethiopian government when he took to social media and said: “I urge my great and brave brothers in the Tigrayan Defence Forces to listen to the words of General Yoweri Museveni! I am as angry as you and I support your cause. Those who raped our Tigrayan sisters and killed our brothers must be punished!”

In another tweet Muhoozi noted: “Our Tigrayan brothers and sisters cannot be defeated. They have an unconquerable spirit.” The words of Uganda’s military commander signal Uganda’s outright support of the TPLF against the government of Abiy. Political analysts opine that this is open aggression by the Ugandan government against the government of Ethiopia. “This is undiplomatic arrogance that can cause tension between Uganda and Ethiopia,” a diplomat in Kampala said.

Earlier, before Gen. Muhoozi tweeted,  Uganda's state minister of foreign affairs, Okello Oryem, was quoted by Reuters, on November 4, saying that the Ugandan president had called for an East African Community leaders’ meeting on November 16 to discuss the conflict in Ethiopia.

“How can Museveni who has already taken sides in the Ethiopian conflict be the one to call for a meeting?  Secondly, in what capacity is Museveni claiming to convene the meeting?” a political commentator questioned.

Museveni's desire to convene an EAC Summit is out of protocol since Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta is the current Chairman of the regional bloc. If Museveni has any issue he wants discussed, the normal procedure is to forward it to the Chairman. Any attempt to by-pass the procedure only serves Museveni’s ego and undermines Uhuru.

In East Africa, It is no secret that Museveni dreams of becoming the president of the East African Federation before he leaves power. He believes he is the most senior president who has a better vision for the region, yet his actions are quite the contrary. Museveni has been scheming to have regional leaders he can manipulate to back him for his personal ambition of heading the East African Federation. For this reason, Museveni has been trying to cause regime change both in Kenya and Rwanda so as to install leaders who will make it possible for him to realize his dream.

On August 2, Kenya’s media broke the story of deputy president William Ruto being blocked from travelling to Uganda. Ruto had an appointment with Museveni on issues to do with the succession of Uhuru.

In July, Museveni invited Kenya’s Deputy President as his chief guest during the official laying of the foundation stone for a vaccine manufacturing facility at Matugga, Wakiso district on the outskirts of Kampala. Highly placed sources revealed that Kenyan authorities may have realized the secret political machinations between Museveni and Ruto in the 2022 Kenya presidential elections.

Ruto hinted at supporting Museveni to establish and assume leadership of the East African Federation. “You owe us a debt. Before you retire and if possible in the next two or three years, you owe us the fruition of the East African Federation,” Ruto said in his speech.

To a number of observers, Ruto seems to have been coached by Museveni on what to say.  When Museveni found it difficult to manipulate President Paul Kagame in Rwanda, he openly supported armed militia groups against Rwanda. The likes of FDLR and Rwanda National Congress (RNC) led by Kayumba Nyamwasa are now Museveni’s tools.

Until today, these groups are facilitated by the Ugandan government despite the memorandum of understanding signed in Angola’s capital Luanda in September 2019, aimed at normalizing relations between Rwanda and Uganda.

Why is Museveni against the government of Abiy in Ethiopia which is far away from Uganda? For those who know Museveni, he is a strategist, and he wants Ethiopia to have a leader he will manipulate for his ambitions of becoming the first president of yet another dream, the United States of Africa.

 After the death of former Libyan leader Col. Muammar Gadhafi, Museveni positioned himself as the remaining African strong man to take up the dream. Museveni is accused of meddling in politics of several other countries in Africa.  In October 2011, Sudan’s vice-president Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, accused Museveni of seeking to change the regime in Khartoum as part of his broader agenda to halt Arab advances in Africa.

South Sundan has accused Museveni of meddling in their internal politics. Museveni is also the prime suspect in the death of John Garang the first President of South Sudan. Last week, Somalia expelled a Ugandan diplomat, Simon Mulongo, accused of engaging in “activities at odds with the peacekeeping mission in the country.”

Unfortunately, it appears that the Ugandan leader is frogging a dead horse for both his dreams of becoming the president of the East African Federation and the Unites States of Africa. His ambitions only serve to destabilize a number of African states by trying, in vain, to cause regime change.  
