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Nyoka asikuume: Genocide against the Tutsi re-occurring in DRC


The Greatlakes Eye recently published a story titled “Who will listen to M23?” Beyond the title, the M23 that is mentioned represents the Kinyarwanda speaking Congolese, including the Banyamulenge people.

The Banyamulenge have been subjected to enormous massacres over the years. Their compatriots and government persecutes them while calling them Rwandans, and wish nothing for them other than death.

All this happens as the international community and especially the troops of the UN Mission in DRC, MONUSCO, are watching, as was the case in Rwanda between 1992 and 1994, when the “Hutu Power” ideology was promoted; the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi were formed, RTLM and other dangerous newspapers were published, and bad politicians’ speeches encouraging people to commit genocide were broadcast in front of UN forces.

All these are scenarios that are too familiar in present day DRC.

The lies and hostilities taught and propagated by ordinary Congolese against their fellow Tutsi Congolese threatens the peace of the region. Especially when a Genocide against the same group happened in Rwanda in 1994.

Some of the lies being spread include that M23 are Rwandans, supported by Rwanda, yet Congolese authorities, who are lying about this, are well aware of the fact that they are Congolese.

They go further to allege that Rwanda intends to steal the DRC’s minerals because it does not have any. However, ever since 1925, Belgians discovered minerals in Rwanda, and created mining companies.

The other invented lies include that about the Balkanization of DRC and the creation of a Hima-Tutsi empire. There is also the “Wanyarwanda warudie kwawo” (Rwandans should return to their country) slogan, or Tutsi should return to their country in Rwanda; and the “Nyoka asikuume”- an expression used to compare the Tutsi and Congolese snakes, which intends to dehumanize them.

The DRC has been central in propagating genocide ideology as was the case in 1994.

The ideology of hatred in DRC is the same as the one that was in Rwanda especially in 1992-1994, when the genocide against the Tutsi was being prepared, which should be a wake-up call for all peace loving human beings to defend the truth and facts,

But the problem is in those who know the truth and keep silent; yet there are young people who do not know much, and need to know the important facts of history, to be able to debunk the lies.
