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Open letter to Dutch Members of Parliament


Dear Hon MPs, Agnes Mulder and Joop Atsma,


I hope this letter finds you well. It is good to know that you joined other members of parliament from all over the world to attend the 145th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Kigali, Rwanda. The reason I am compelled to write to you is that you used the occasion of your presence in Rwanda to visit a woman called Victoire Ingabire.   

You know that she was convicted and jailed – before being released when President Paul Kagame exercised his prerogative of mercy – for genocide crimes especially propagating a double genocide theory and collaborating with terror organizations like FDLR, which comprises remnants of the masterminds of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

The FDLR has intentions of coming back to Rwanda to kill more people. Theirs is a genocidal agenda and, they believe they have unfinished business in Rwanda. The photos you took, together with Ingabire, clearly show how you keenly listened with interest to what she had to tell you.

I was not there to know what exactly she told you, or what you told her, but the script of her story to foreigners is always monolithic, and predictable. “There is no respect of human rights, there is no democracy in this country, you know I am innocent, and I was only taken to jail on trumped up charges simply because I wanted to run for presidency, the government refused to register my political party DALFA Umurinzi, there is no political space...” This is the usual song Ingabire sings to foreigners.

Let me ask this question. If you went to Germany, would you proudly identify with, and take photos, with a person who trivializes or denies the Holocaust, or who questions why there are graves of Jews but not for Germans?  Secondly, would you pose for photos with a neo-Nazi wearing Swastikas?

When Ingabire arrived in Rwanda, from your country, on January 16, 2010, she went straight to the Kigali Genocide Memorial where more than 250,000 genocide victims are laid to rest. At the Memorial, she asked staff why there were only remains of the Tutsi, yet according to her, the Hutu were also killed. This is evidence enough that Ingabire is a double genocide ideologue, a tropical-Nazi.  

I know that in Europe you do not empathize or associate with anti-Semitism and xenophobia because it constitutes a crime. But, in Rwanda, you proudly empathize and associate with genocide ideologues like Ingabire and Bernard Ntaganda. Genocide ideology is a crime punishable by Rwandan law. Your association with such people does not surprise me and other Rwandans. But it annoys us, and, at the same time tests our resilience. The genocide against the Tutsi originated from the Belgian colonial policy of divide and rule. They turned social-economic classes into “ethnicities,” and pitted one against the other.

The Genocide against the Tutsi was foreign instigated. Foreigners created zone Turquoise to protect those who had committed Genocide against the Tutsi. They protected them in camps in the then Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of Congo. You are happily supporting Ingabire and Ntaganda who share the same ideology as those who committed genocide in my country. Genocide suspects are given sanctuary in your country.  What a hypocritical world we live in!      

Honorable MPs, I hope you know that in 2010, Dutch Police carried out an official search at Ingabire’s home. A lot of documents showing her collaboration with FDLR commanders, and money transfers to them, in DRC were found.  It leaves us, as Rwandans, speechless to hear, and see, that Ingabire is a person you support, and would even want to lead our country. She is your choice, but, good enough, Rwandans are the ones who decide the leaders they want. The truth of the matter remains that the likes of Ingabire and Ntaganda do not qualify to be elected as village chiefs in the new Rwanda.  

Honorable MPs, let me suggest that, as legislators, there is a better service you can render, for the benefit of the people of our two countries. There are genocide fugitives in your country who, including Victoire Ingabire’s mother Dusabe Thérèse and Ndereyehe Charles. Rwanda has long sent indictments for their arrest and repatriation, to no avail.  

Dusabe’s crimes during the 1994 genocide are beyond imagination. Know why she was nicknamed “the doctor of death?” Dusabe was nicknamed "the doctor of death" for her cruelty. She first killed Tutsi pregnant women and then killed babies by hitting them on the wall. Dusabe cut open wombs of pregnant mothers, removed the babies and smashed them on walls to death!     

Ndereyehe who was a director at an agricultural institute (ISAR Rubona) played a key role in the massacres carried out at the institute. He is freely continuing to spread genocide ideology in your country. He is one of the leaders of FDU-Inkingi, a terrorist organization founded on genocide ideology, by Ingabire. Your voices in the Dutch Parliament to apprehend and send these fugitives to Rwanda would be appreciated by millions of Rwandans.

Honorable MPs, you must have heard, clearly, President Kagame’s speech at the opening of the IPU meeting, where he called upon global parliaments to collaborate and fight Genocide ideology. President Kagame noted that “it is about recognition of our shared humanity, for the betterment of our societies, and the protection of future generations.”

You visited the Kigali Genocide Memorial and witnessed the horrendous acts of genocide.  Rwandans would be happy with your well wishes to overcome the bitter past. In the absence of the wishes, Rwandans will be fine. But I beg you not to fan genocide ideology by supporting the acts of Ingabire and Ntaganda, acts which are hinged on ethnic hatred and genocide ideology.  


Musonera Didas



Dutch Parliament

EU Parliament

Dutch Embassy in Rwanda

Rwanda Embassy in the Netherlands 
