A Reliable Source of News


Open letter to Samantha Power



Dear Samantha, I hope this letter finds you well.


I am compelled to write to you regarding your recent comments on the passing on of a Rwandan journalist in a motor accident. Through your Twitter handle you mentioned being, “Deeply saddened and concerned by the death of John Williams Ntwali”.


You called him a brave and respected independent journalist, ‘one of the few remaining in Rwanda’, and further said that the Rwandan Government ‘must allow’ an independent, credible investigation into the circumstances of his death.


Saying that the government of Rwanda “must allow an independent, credible investigation...” clearly shows contempt and disrespect of Rwandan authorities. Insinuating that they are not able to carry out credible investigations. In short, you do not trust Rwandan investigators.


Dear Ms. Samantha, as a leader of an international Organization, USAID, and a former diplomat, I am sure you understand the principle that each country has indivisible sovereignty and integrity that must be respected.


Secondly, you know well that your suggestion is not an international standard practiced by your own country. It is unfortunate that Rwanda lost its citizen in an accident, which happens in every place. 


The journalist who died is Rwandan. Your claim to be more concerned about the circumstances of his death than the Rwandan people raises suspicion of your attitude towards Rwanda.


The traffic police department did their job. They arrested, and put in custody the suspected culprit who caused the accident. I wonder whether in the part of the world where you live journalists are immune to accidents.


As a former journalist yourself, I believe you remember well how American journalist and  editor to Rolling Stone,  Michael Mahon Hastings  died in an automobile crash on June 18, 2013, in Los Angeles, California. Did you ask for an independent and credible investigation?  


On January 15, 2023, Kenyan photo journalist William Oeri died in a road accident; have you asked for an independent and credible investigation? The examples are many, all over the world, of journalists who die in motor accidents and no independent investigations have been called.  


The question here is: why should Rwanda be treated differently? Double standards seem a lighter word to use.   


I hope you recall an incident which happened in April 2016, when you served as US ambassador to the UN, and visited Cameroon. Your motorcade struck and killed a six-year old child, Toussaint Birwe, near the town of Mokolo, in northern Cameroon. Local residents watched in awe as your convoy did not stop as was expected under traffic regulations.


The father of the child, Emmanuel Dague, and the mother, Fanta Makachi, who suffered great pain for the tragic loss of their lovely cheerful boy never called for an independent and credible investigation. Nor did you.


Dear Ms. Samantha, I have come to realize that the animosity against Rwanda is probably more personal rather than representing the views of the institution or government you serve.


I am not surprised. You were among the fierce defenders of Paul Rusesabagina who was convicted for heading and financing a terrorist organization.


While there is concrete evidence of Rusesabagina himself declaring war on Rwanda, you decided to show no sympathy to the nine innocent victims killed by Rusesabagina’s FLN terror attacks in western Rwanda, in 2018 and 2019.   


In 2015, as you wished President Paul Kagame to step down, Rwandans wanted him to serve longer because they know what he has done to turn around a country that was almost at the verge of being a failed state.


Democracy is not a one size fit all.


Each country can chart its own path depending on contextual realities and the wishes of its people.  


As you questioned President Kagame serving longer, you knew well that even in your country President Franklin Roosevelt served more than two terms between March 4, 1933 and April 12, 1945. If it was convenient for your country, why would Rwanda be the exception?


Let me end with a simple reminder; Rwanda is more concerned and mandated with the safety and security of its own citizens than anyone else.  It is a country now on the move, in the right direction under the guidance of a transformational leader – President Kagame.


Just leave Rwandans alone. Avoid interfering with their system and choices. They will be well.


Thank you for your attention.




Giramata Mukankusi


Concerned Rwanda citizen 
