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Tshisekedi fired Kabuya over eastern DRC disagreement, duping opposition


President Felix Tshisekedi and Augustin Kabuya were once on the same footing with a suggestion of solving, militarily, the conflict with the AFC/M23 rebellion,

In early August, Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi fired UDPS-ruling party Secretary General Augustin Kabuya, and replaced him temporarily with Deo Bizibu Balola who was serving as his deputy in charge of political and administrative issues.

Sources have confirmed that replacing Kabuya with Bizibu who originates from Bukavu, in South Kivu Province, was a move by Tshisekedi to win hearts and minds in eastern DRC where the President has constantly failed to restore security.

Kabuya used to be Tshisekedi’s main advisor regarding the ever-deteriorating crisis in eastern DRC. The two were on the same footing with a suggestion of solving, militarily, the conflict with the AFC/M23 rebellion, which resurged in late 2021 after a decade of dormancy.

Regional leaders persistently advised Kinshasa to solve the conflict in eastern through political means, especially dialogue between concerned parties. Kabuya happened to change his stand and sided with the suggestion of a need for political will to end the security crisis in the region.

“Kabuya was accused of incompetence, corruption, and nepotism. But we [UDPS members] are all sure that Tshisekedi is unhappy with him because of his recent comments on addressing what is really happening in eastern DRC. He said that Tshisekedi’s incompetence has led to deterioration of the conflict in the east,” noted a UDPS insider who preferred anonymity.

Regional political commentators believe that the firing of Kabuya reiterates Tshisekedi’s refusal in finding a sustainable solution to DRC’s decades-long insecurity, and his long-lasting will to externalize DRC’s internal problems.

When he first entered the presidential palace five years ago, Tshisekedi claimed that ending the security crisis in the east was at the top of his agenda. For all his time in office, what he did is only adding fuel to the fire.

Worse still, the UDPS party is reported to be more divided than ever, and Tshisekedi is unable to calm the storm.

“Tshisekedi is secretly initiating political consultations with opposition to organize political dialogues, which would lead to formation of a united government,” added the UDPS insider.

This move is not aiming at finding solutions to DRC’s problems collectively. Tshisekedi is conning the country’s opposition by integrating it into his government, to weaken it and prepare for a fraudulent power shift in 2028 when his last term will end.

Martin Fayulu, Denis Mukwege, and Moise Katumbi have already shown their will to support the initiative.

While the opposition worries about the escalating conflict in the east of the country, Tshisekedi’s one and only concern is how he would stay in office after 2028.
