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Tshisekedi opts for disinformation to stay in power


The President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Félix Tshisekedi, is devoting more time in disseminating disinformation to manipulate the ‘anti-Rwanda’ narrative, as his remaining option to stay in office.


As the December presidential polls approach, the Congolese president is not at ease. He has panicked, and is pulling every single trick to stay in power despite having no single positive achievement to show throughout his ending five-year tenure.


Tshisekedi has nothing to help him win the hearts and minds of Congolese in the coming elections. As such, he opted to portray Rwanda as the cause of his failure, trying to convince Congolese that ‘he did his best but a bad neighbor ruined his plans’.


Hundreds of forged communiqués attributed to Kigali by Kinshasa have gone viral since mid-2022, some of them alleged to be released by Rwanda Defence Force (RDF), while others claimed to come from the Office of the Rwandan Prime Minister, the Office of the President or the Office of Government Spokesperson. 


On July 19, Kinshasa announced that Kigali broadcasted a press release on July 18, announcing preparations to send troops on Congolese territory.


But it turned out that the announcement was merely a pretext aimed at escalating hostilities and justifying an attack on Rwandan soil, while the Congolese government continues to support, arm and fight alongside the Rwandan genocidal militia, FDLR.


Kigali reiterated that it will maintain mechanisms in place to guard against violations of its airspace and borders, and will counter any spill-over from the conflict in eastern DRC.


All the sham announcements fabricated by Kinshasa - accredited to the Rwandan government - are forged by Patrick Muyaya, the Congolese government spokesman, who sends them to Tshisekedi’s spokesperson Tina Salama, who then propagates the fake communiques, mainly on social media.


Tina founded and runs CPG/RDC, a platform designed in August 2022 to solely push anti-Rwanda narratives.
