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US Legislators trample Rwandan judiciary to free terror kingpin


The US House of Representatives has once again trampled on Rwanda’s judiciary and sovereignty by calling for the release of Paul Rusesabagina, a terror kingpin serving a 25-year sentence for terrorism.


Resolution H.Res.892, sponsored by Representative Castro Joaquin (D-TX-20) and voted unanimously by the Congress, on July 14, 2022, calls on the Rwandan government to immediately release Rusesabagina on humanitarian grounds.


To many Rwandans, the word “humanitarian” should never be evoked in the same sentence with Rusesabagina, a man who was and probably still is, the leader of an armed terrorist militia group, MRCD/FLN which, over three years ago,  wreaked havoc in south-western Rwanda.


His militia have been killing, maiming people, and caused a lot of damage to property.  When he declared war to topple the Rwandan government “by all means possible”, he announced his full support to his militia; and didn’t show any humanity. Why is it that the US Congress believes that he deserves empathy this time around?


At different times in 2018, the armed militia  founded and funded by this terror convict, ambushed and torched buses carrying innocent civilians who were travelling from Rusizi town to the capital Kigali. They also attacked and ransacked Nyabimata sector.


Victims included13-year-old Ornella Sine Atete from Gasabo District, Kigali. Her dreams were cut short because of the ambition of the man the US Congress wants released. What’s also perplexing is that the resolution is built around flimsy grounds,  unworthy of respected institution like the US Congress.


US lawmakers were made to believe that Rusesabagina was lured from his home in Texas by the Rwandan government.  Hollywood heroics cited in the resolution and the fact he’s “a Presidential Medal of Freedom Honoree” cannot redeem Rusesabagina from his odious crimes. It’s also hypocritical to criticise Rwanda for luring him to Rwanda to answer for his crimes.


For these US legislators, Rusesabagina “was extra judicially  transferred from Texas to Dubai, but they never condemned Sweden for arresting Hamid Nouri, 61, in 2019, after he was lured in the country for his alleged role in killing political prisoners in 1988. This is pure double standards.


In October 2013, Belgium tricked Mohamed Abdi Hassan, also known as Big Mouth, into coming to Brussels. He was wanted for having been involved in hijacking a Belgian vessel. He was arrested upon arrival. Did the US condemn Belgium for this? No.


The Resolution also recaps the same false allegations used by Rusesabagina’s family and a web of his lobbyists to attract sympathy for the man who wanted to overthrow Rwanda’s legitimate government by violent means.


They have been trumpeting that Rusesabagina didn’t get a fair trial, and that his conviction was not fair. The trial of Rusesabagina and his 20 co-accused, by the High Court was done in the open, with full access by journalists, and diplomats.


It’s arrogant and highly patronising to insinuate that the Rwandan judicial  system is unable to carry out a fair trial. Allegations that his presumption of innocence, and his right to prepare his defence were not respected are pure lies.


The Congress also calls for a trial by a competent, independent, and impartial tribunal applying international standards as does the US Congress smacks of the usual arrogance the global north shows to the global south. This is total disregard to the competencies of the Rwandan High Court.


The last inane argument made by the US Congress is that because Rusesabagina is “a cancer survivor and he suffers from a cardiovascular disorder,” and that his family alleges that he missed many appointments, and he should be released immediately.


First, these members of Congress should know that when Rusesabagina embarked on his evil enterprise, he was suffering from the same diseases. He should have weighed up the risks. The Rwandan penitentiary has always ensured he gets  proper medical care.


These lawmakers should know that Rwanda  is not the US's 51st State, and it doesn’t take orders from alien entities like the US Congress. Rusesagina has never shown any remorse for the crimes committed by his armed militia. Nothing indicates that once released, he will not pursue the same ambition which landed him in trouble in the first place.
