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Unmasking axis of evil

Carine Kanimba, Amnesty International lies exposed


Carine Kanimba is gradually becoming synonymous with falsehoods against Rwanda, to the extent that she collaborates with international organizations to tarnish Rwanda’s image with forged reports of NSO spyware.


Carine is following in the footsteps of Paul Rusesabagina, her adoptive father and convicted terrorist. The impostor humanitarian, Rusesabagina, was sponsoring terrorist groups until the curtain fell in 2021.


To no one’s surprise, the forgery of Carine and Amnesty International in coming up with fabrications against Rwanda, is just the proverbial story of birds of the same feathers. Carine’s passionate campaign while lobbying for the unlawful release of her terrorist adoptive father quickly showed that her fight was in vain. The only remaining option was to embark on creating fictions and putting the blame on Rwanda.


Jonathan Scott, an American computer engineer, reported in details how Amnesty International and Canada’s Citizen Lab invented the story claiming that Carine’s phone was infected with the NSO spyware from Rwanda.


The fact that the two entities deliberately created a ‘self-infection’ MVT-Tool and fronted it as Pegasus Spyware is not the main focus here. Focus will be put on exposing an even more thoughtless move in the fabrications.


Speaking at the Oslo Freedom Forum that took place from May 23 to May 25, Carine claimed that Citizen Lab found Pegasus traces in her new iPhone 12. Various fake reports show that her iPhone 12 infection date was September 12, 2020.


Here are the big questions. The iPhone12 release date was October 23, 2020. How did Carine procure herself the same handset months before the release date?


Another claim submitted to the European Parliament, was of the other phone belonging to Carine. The claim was that Carine’s iPhone X operated by iOS version: 14.6, was infected in February 2021, yet the release date of the version was May 24, 2021. This suggests that she obtained the version three months before its release date.


These illogical claims simply expose their failure, to integrate some more or less scientific logic as they failed to even check the simplest details in coming up with their fabrications.


It is satirical to make the world believe that Carine always gets iPhone products before their official release dates. Just like her step-father, she might be portrayed as the world hero of technology. 


One of the greatest qualities of science is precision. It aims at verifying all existing hypotheses and derives the truth out of them. Facts are stubborn. Carine’s fabrications will never be successful, especially not through spyware hypothesis claims.


Rusesabagina lobbyists, his family and supporters in Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and others, will endlessly pull thoughtless, or even tactless plots against Rwanda. In the end, however, as already seen, it is these plots that will always expose and discredit them.
