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DRC: Goma demonstrations, a call for liberation


Demonstrators in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The security crisis in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been in the spotlight of global news, with most media attention put on North Kivu Province where more than 200 militias operate, causing wave after wave of violence and insecurity.

This has prompted residents of Goma to protest against the increase in criminal acts including armed robberies and kidnappings, which disrupt their daily lives. For decades, Kinshasa has turned a deaf ear to this security crisis, while continously arming militias that massacre innocent civilians.

Wazalendo militia ultimately became a danger to the population, extorting citizens, committing robberies and murders, and engaging in illegal trade in minerals.

High tension was observed on August 12 and 13 in the northern part of the city of Goma, the capital of North Kivu, particularly in the village of Rukoko, in Nyiragongo territory.

Footage went viral on media platforms showing Congolese police clashing with angry protesters. Angry Congolese protested against growing insecurity in the city. According to witnesses, the demonstrations began peacefully before degenerating into violent clashes. Police were deployed in large numbers to contain the crowd, using tear gas to disperse the protesters. The protesters responded by throwing stones and erecting barricades.

Angry youths were protesting against the murder of two people by armed men in Congolese military uniform on the night of August 11 to 12, in Kihisi, a village in Nyiragongo territory, north of Goma.

According to reports, armed men in Congolese military attire were on patrol when they burst into a place of mourning at a station called “Tout-jeune”. They opened fire and shot at people who were watching the mourning, killing two and injuring five, two of them seriously.

That was less than a month after a similar scenario was observed in Turunga, a village located on the northern outskirts of the city of Goma, in the territory of Nyiragongo, where a whole family was wiped out by Wazalendo militia.

The violent demonstrations were triggered by the shooting carried out during the night of July 16 to 17, when a father, his wife and children were killed and 10 other people severely injured.

In mid-April, Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Kinshasa, warned that the situation in and around Goma was worsening day by day.

“What we fear most is the risk of general insecurity, especially in Goma”. There are several armed groups, such as the Wazalendo, "and it is the population who pays the consequences, with the risk of general insecurity," warned Cardinal Ambongo.

The recent killings of civilians attributed to the Wazalendo have spread terror among the local population. Faced with this alarming situation, the military governor has taken timid measures allegedly “to restore order and separate genuine Wazalendo members from imposters”.

According to an official statement, the real Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland, known as Wazalendo, are called to join the Congolese armed forces on the front lines while “individuals posing as Wazalendo will be hunted down and, if necessary, handed over to military justice to answer for their actions”.

However, the measures are more likely to end in vain since Kinshasa collectively supported and armed a myriad of militia groups. So, the government is incapable of separating them.

Kinshasa never wanted to disarm and fight negative militia groups operating in eastern DRC. Instead, it has tirelessly harbored and supported them. Will the Congolese government listen to the citizens? Will the protesters achieve anything? History has shown that Congolese authorities do not listen to protesters.
