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DRC: Why creation of rebel groups persists


The M23 fighters have been involved in on and off rebellions in eastern DRC, to fight against existential threat.

Eastern DRC remains mired in persistent rebellion and conflict, marked by a complex interplay of factors triggered by bad governance, injustice, and corruption, along with government oppression of citizens and failure to protect citizens' rights.

Since gaining independence, in 1960, the DRC has always experienced turmoil. Since then, rebellion persists largely due to the country’s incompetent leadership.


For three decades, hundreds of armed groups have been created in DRC. The latter perpetrate violence especially against minority groups such as the Congolese Tutsi which is now targeted.

Related: DRC: Genocide perpetrated as international community watches

A UN report indicates that Congolese civilian deaths mounted from 559 between June 2020 and March 2021 to 1,261 for the same period in 2022.

Kinshasa has kept quiet and no single individual was tried for inciting hate speech, killing the Congolese Tutsi, or looting and damaging their properties. The impunity fueled discontent.

The perpetrators of these atrocities include soldiers of the national army, FARDC. Several reports have indicated the collaboration of FARDC, and the genocidal militia, FDLR, a group made up of individuals responsible for the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. This collaboration has resulted in the persecution, killing and lynching of the Congolese Tutsi, with no form of justice in place to condemn or defend this community.

As a result, this form of injustice creates an environment ripe for rebellion.

Rebel groups like Twirwaneho and M23, were created to defend their own communities, when the DRC government failed to do so.

Related: Why the M23 rebels are fighting

The Congolese government's response to rebellions has always been characterized by heavy-handed military operations, instead of dealing with the root causes of the grievances. Such tactics only lead to human rights abuses, further alienating the population and creating a cycle of violence in the country.

Failure to protect citizens' rights

The fundamental duty of any government is to protect its citizens' rights, including the right to life, education, work and equality, among others. Instead, the DRC government failed to offer these universal rights to some of its citizens.

Like his predecessor, Tshisekedi presided over a system of entrenched human rights’ abuses perpetrated by government officials, military personnel and civilians.

On August 30, the Congolese national army indiscriminately opened fire on unarmed protestors, killing over 50. More than 60 others were injured while over 220 were arrested.

The incident was just an example of how the DRC government naturally abuses human rights and gets away with it.
