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DRC: Why the M23 rebellion will overcome


The March 23 Movement or ‘M23’ is a Congolese rebel group.

Since late 2021, the rebels have amassed worldwide attention, with most people condemning the rebellion’s fight and blaming them for the insecurity crisis in eastern DRC.

But despite the pouring criticism from Kinshasa, UN, international community and media, the M23 continues to fight off attacks perpetrated by the Congolese army and other armed groups including the Rwandan genocidal militia, FDLR.

The rebels captured swathes of territory in North Kivu which they have, in the interest of peace, have handed over to the East African Community Regional Force (EACRF).

The rebels have shown a level of maturity that got Kinshasa and others who don’t understand their cause frustrated or even baffled.

Kinshasa is especially vexed by the fact that the M23 rebels are not being defeated but are, instead gaining political clout. There is only one logical reason for this. The M23 is fighting for a genuine cause.

The rebel group is fighting for the rights of its persecuted and disowned community to be recognized as legitimate citizens with full rights as any other Congolese nationals. They are defending and protecting the lives of Congolese Tutsi and Rwandophones who have been, for long, targets of hate speech and violence orchestrated by their own government. So far, thousands have died or fled their homes in eastern DRC.

To quote the famous American engineer Gene Kranz: “It is not equipment that wins the battles; it is the quality and the determination of the people fighting for a cause in which they believe.”

For the M23 rebels, their rights, and lives of Kinyarwanda-speaking communities, especially the Tutsi Congolese are worth fighting for, and dying for, if that’s what it takes for their government or the international community to listen.

The M23 is not an armed group plundering minerals, or terrorizing citizens, as often accused, but rather people fighting for a noble cause and their rights in a country that has denied them everything.

According to several reports, since 2022, several senior officers from the Congolese national army have defected to M23.

In October 2022, Lt Col Eustache Ntambara defected, followed by Lt Col Désire Gakufe Ndizihiwe in November 2022. Four other officers namely; Lt Col Bahati Gahizi, Lt Col Frank Miburo Nkusi, Maj Zidane and Lt Muhire, defected in December 2022.

In February 2023, Col Moisse Gakunzi, Maj Kimararungu, and Capt Vedaste Murenzi, equally left their posts in FARDC to join the M23 rebels.


The most recent defections, in March 2023, are; Lt Col John Gasasira N'tawenda, who was working for Kinshasa’s military intelligence. He left with two of his compatriots, Maj Sadiki and Maj Amani Patrick.

The M23 is not a terrorist movement as Kinshasa says. It is a Congolese rebel group, which took up arms to fight for a legitimate cause.

Having Congolese senior officers defecting to a so-called terrorist armed group refutes a different narrative that Kinshasa has been advancing.

Since 2012, the Congolese government has refused to honor any of the agreements signed to solve M23’s grievances.

The Congolese government officers who defected realized that the real fight is not in killing their own compatriots, but in fighting their traitor government.

This should come as a wakeup call to Kinshasa.

The Congolese government aught to take bold steps in solving the insecurity crisis in the east of the country.
