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Genocide: What this publishing house tells us about France is horrifying


In addition to France being a den of hundreds of genocidaires, the European country remains a center where genocidaires’ books are published.


Genocide fugitives living in different countries are publishing their books with support of Editions Sources du Nil, a publishing house based in Lille, France. It is run by a genocide ideologue, Dr Eugene Shimamungu, who has made it a mission to publish books of dead and living genocidaires.


Editions Sources du Nil classifies genocidaires including Maj Protais Mpiranya, Ferdinand Nahimana, Augustin Ngirabatware, Emmanuel Neretse, Faustin Ntilikina, Col Tharcisse Renzaho, Father Joseph Sagahutu and others as honourable authors yet they are spreading poison.


Denying and trivialising the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, as well as spreading the genocide ideology, is their sole mission.


Mpiranya who was the commandant of the presidential guard in the genocidal government is one of the Hutu extremists in a group of senior military officers who jointly founded an association of killers within the Rwanda armed forces named AMASASU.


The group was led by Col Theoneste Bagosora, nicknamed Commandant Mike Tango, who was at the forefront of spreading genocidal ideology in the army and urging the military not to accept living with Inkotanyi, but to prepare for the extermination of the Tutsi because they were accomplices of Inkotanyi.


Mpiranya was a member of the National Genocide Organizing Committee introduced by Bagosora once he returned from Arusha, Tanzania, on January 9, 1993, after declaring that he will prepare an apocalypse targeting the Tutsi.


After all, what would one expect from Mpiranya’s books except genocide ideology?


Nahimana, a former director of the Rwandan Information Office (ORINFOR), is the one who ordered the inciting broadcast on March 3, 1992 on Radio Rwanda, which led to the massacre of more than 500 Tutsi in Bugesera in the night of March 4 to 5, 1992.


On many occasions, Nahimana asked high authorities to collaborate with local authorities in mobilizing the population to commit Genocide against the Tutsi.


 Ngirabatware was Minister of Planning in the genocidal government. He was instrumental in the implementation of the Genocide in his home region, Gisenyi. He is one of the senior MRND officials who met with Interahamwe leaders on February, 27, 1994, at Rebero Hotel, where they decided to create and finance a force to exterminate the Tutsi. Neretse is a genocide ideologue and one of the founders of FDU-Inkingi, a self-proclaimed Rwandan opposition party in exile. He held the rank of major in the genocidal forces, which motivates him to spread genocide ideology.


Another so-called author, Ntilikina, led the training of Interahamwe genocidal militia at the Gabiro camp. He is one of the witnesses of Judge Bruguière in his false accusations against Rwanda.


 Renzaho, the former prefect of Kigali, on March 30, 1994, sent a list of people to be included in the ‘civil self-defense force’ to Army Chief of Staff, Col Déogratias Nsabimana. ‘Self-defence force’ was a euphemism for murder squads.


Renzaho’s letter was in preparation for the ‘final solution’ to the alleged ‘Tutsi league’. This ideology is still propagated by extremist opponents of Rwanda’s leadership.


Sagahutu collaborated with bourgmestre Juvenal Muhitira in supervising the massacres of the Tutsi at Muganza Catholic Parish, in Nyaruguru district.


Regarding their historical records, no good morals can be expected from books written by these genocidaires for Editions Sources du Nil to promote them.


The heinous agenda of this publishing house emphasizes France’s stance when it comes to masking genocidaires and supporting them in negationism, denying the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and promoting the double genocide theory.
