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Heroes day, an opportunity for Rwanda’s youth to reflect, think big


Every year, on February 1, Rwandans honor the people that put their lives in harm’s way to preserve and protect the nation.

The 30th anniversary will be celebrated under the theme “Heroism among Rwandans, our Dignity.”

Rwandans will reflect on, and eulogize national heroes for their outstanding and important achievements.

Rwandan heroes are in three categories – Imanzi, Imena, and Ingenzi. Imanzi are supreme heroes with outstanding achievements occasioned by supreme sacrifice, outstanding importance and example. Only two people fall in this category; the late Maj Gen Fred Rwigema and the Unknown Soldier, representing all the unidentified members of the armed struggle who paid the ultimate price in the effort to liberate Rwanda from a dictatorial, divisive regime.

In the Imena category there is King Mutara III Rudahigwa, Michel Rwagasana, Agathe Uwilingiyimana, Félicité Niyitegeka, and Nyange students. The Ingenzi category comprises heroes who are still alive.

Heroes from all these categories teach young Rwandans a lesson of embracing patriotism, unity and hard work by adopting the values espoused by their own heroes as a guide to walk in their footsteps, and take Rwanda to greater heights.

Young Rwandans are today drawing examples from each category of these heroes. The young generation learnt from Rwigema and the unkown soldier that sacrifice is what made it possible to liberate the country, enabling Rwandans to build the dignified and united nation they live in today.

They draw an example from the students of Nyange Secondary School, who shunned divisionism and put others first. The Nyange students today teach us how to promote unity and reconciliation.

To date, heroism is a major value in Rwandans’ culture. The renewed unity and security in the country is testament enough of the heroes’ ever lasting impact.

On heroes day, Rwandans emphasise the importance of preserving unity of all citizens and fighting the people who aim at creating divisions among them. One of the heroic values that pushed Rwanda's national heroes to sacrifice everything is the thirst for unity by fighting against all forms of divisionism in Rwanda.

The country has suffered severe consequences of political systems that fostered division, which fuelled hatred and discord, leading to the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. In recognition of the national heroes and for the sake of future generations, it is every Rwandans' duty to promote unity and fight more actively against people who still want to divide the nation. 

Heroism is one of the strong values of Rwandan culture.

The country's youth are especially encouraged to strive for heroism and exhibit Rwandan values, patriotism and stand out in today’s challenging environment, for a better future. 

The youth should not allow the hard-earned progress as a result of the price paid by the country’s heroes to be ruined by selfish and ideologically disoriented individuals.

By and large, heroes day, is an opportunity for the youth to reflect, think big, and uphold patriotic values in their daily lives.
