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How FDLR continues to revamp across Africa


FDLR, formed by remnants of the perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, operating in eastern DRC

For the past three decades, the government of the Democratic of Congo and the international community have sanitized the FDLR genocidal militia claiming that the group poses no threat to Rwanda. The Congolese government has gone as far as collaborating with the genocidal group.

The FDLR was formed by remnants of the perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. The genocidal militia is currently operating in eastern DRC, and poses a big threat to the security of the African great lakes region where the terrorist group has been, among others, spreading its genocide ideology, and killing thousands of unarmed civilians including women and children.

The FDLR has been designated as a terrorist organization by the United States and is considered a threat to both Rwanda and the DRC. The group has launched attacks on Rwandan territory, raising concerns that it could do so again in the future.

Its sole mission is to return to Rwanda, overthrow the current democratically elected government and complete its genocidal agenda. The militia group’s leadership is currently mulling plans to do so.

A source revealed to this website, that FDLR is planning to establish resistance cells across the whole East Africa and South Africa region. The aim of the plan is for the genocidal militia to become politically active, and find support to overthrow the Rwandan government.

According to the source,  FDLR President Lt Gen Iyamuremye Gaston, alias Byiringiro Victor, appointed Theoneste Misago, in charge of the militia’s diplomacy and Diomed Kawasaki, the finance deputy commissioner, both based in  South Africa and Mozambique, respectively, to smoothly coordinate FDLR’s revitalization resistance cells process, in their respective countries, and extend these efforts to all other countries in Eastern and Southern Africa.

The move comes after the Congolese government agreed to neutralize FDLR, in Luanda on July 30, in a meeting of foreign ministers from Rwanda, Angola, and DRC.

With fear that Kinshasa will really divorce them, FDLR is looking for new ways to thrive. By establishing these cells across Africa, the genocidal militia hopes to increase its political, military, and financial might. Through these cells, war efforts will be coordinated as well as mobilization of new young recruits.

Kinshasa politicians have, for long, issued statements sanitizing FDLR while the International community turned a blind eye on their collaboration with the génocidaires.  By forming these cells, the genocidal group will be in a position to continue spreading its genocide ideology freely across the continent.

Currently in eastern DRC, the Congolese Tutsi are being persecuted, tortured and their properties looted, on a daily basis. This did not happen overnight. After committing the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, the genocidal militia exported its genocide ideology to eastern DRC, targeting the Congolese Tutsi. The latter are fleeing to neighboring countries mainly Rwanda and Uganda, while hundreds thousands of their relatives were massacred.

The FDLR’s genocidal venom is the biggest threat to the continent. The militia proved how dangerous hate speech can be with their presence in eastern DRC.

By allowing FDLR to operate freely on their soil, African countries are risking a security crisis similar to the one in DRC, all the while promoting genocide ideology.
