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SAMIDRC fighting war Congolese are abandoning


Since December 2023, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) deployed a Mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo (SAMIDRC), purportedly to assist the Congolese government in restoring peace and security in the eastern part of the country.

Since then, troops from Malawi, Tanzania and South Africa have had a single mission; collaborate with the Congolese army and their coalition, to fight and defeat the M23 rebellion.

The SADC troops estimated to be 5,000 are fighting alongside the Congolese army coalition of the Burundian national army, Eastern European mercenaries, the UN mission peacekeepers in DRC (MONUSCO), Wazalendo militias, and the Rwandan genocidal militia, FDLR, in eastern DRC.

When the Southern African troops landed, the Congolese government saw them as their savior, coming to help in the fight they failed for more than two years.  Today, the same people they came to save and help are abandoning them at the battle field, when fighting gets tough.

Several sources revealed that on June 4, 11 soldiers from the Congolese army special unit, the Eagle Brigade recently deployed from Lubumbashi to Nyiragongo territory, deserted from their positions in  Karangara in Katwa village.

It was reported that the deserted soldiers got information about a planned attack against the M23 rebels, but preferred to leave than fight. They left behind more than 20 guns, ammunitions, and military uniforms. Civilians in the region were disappointed by this cowardly move since they had so much hope in their army, especially the Eagle Brigade, which has elite soldiers who underwent months of high-intensity training, and whose efforts to fight the M23 rebels had been hailed in the past months.

This raised a very important question; are Congolese soldiers giving up on their own fight, and have failed to defeat the rebel group? Why do the Southern Africans think they can do better?

The defection of the soldiers coincided with deployment of more troops to SAMIDRC. On June 4, South African and Malawian forces were deployed at Kasengesi and Mubambiro, in North Kivu, at the frontlines.

Will SADC learn a lesson from such cowardly behavior of the Congolese? Before its deployment, the Southern Africa bloc knew that it’s military option to address eastern DRC conflicts contradicted the spirit of the Nairobi and Luanda peace processes, but chose to fight the M23 rebels just as Kinshasa wished.

It is now clear that the same government they were sent to help is abandoning them. Even after several months of deployment, SADC has not been able to bring peace and order in the area.  The latest development should be a wake up call to the Southern African troops. They are fighting a war that they will lose.
