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Ugandan smugglers not tolerated on Rwandan territory


Ugandan authorities continue to encourage their citizens to risk their lives while venturing into smuggling across the Rwandan border. Some even enter Rwanda armed with traditional weapons and ready to fight law enforcement officers on the Rwandan side of the border.

On December 1, a Ugandan national called Anthony Twijukye was intercepted by community border guards at the Ruhambo porous border in Kinnyago village, Nyarwimbo cell, Kaniga sector in Gicumbi district.

Twijukye was on a reconnaissance mission on behalf of other smugglers and was armed with a machete, according to border guards.

Twijukye, a resident of Uganda's Kabale district, had no identification papers by the time of interception. He was officially deported back to Uganda through Gatuna border on December 4.

In the usual style of covering up Ugandan smugglers who get arrested on Rwandan soil, a Ugandan newspaper, The Independent, made false accusations claiming that Twijukye was arrested by Rwandan security agents who crossed into Uganda through a porous border.

The Independent's story, “Another Ugandan arrested at Rwanda border,” was intended to white wash the rampant Ugandan smugglers and heap blame on the Rwandan government for ‘victimizing innocent’ Ugandans and ‘violating  Uganda’s territorial integrity.’

But the reverse is true.

Fact is: for years, Rwandans travelling to Uganda have been subjected to arbitrary arrests and torture resulting into a number of deaths.

The harassment of Rwandans in Uganda is based on false accusations that those found on Ugandan soil are “Rwandan spies.” To the contrary, Ugandans enjoy free moment in and out of Rwanda without any hindrance.

Ever since Kampala started openly supporting Rwandan terror groups like the Rwanda National Congress (RNC), led by fugitive Kayumba Nyamwasa and the FDLR which was formed by the people who committed the genocide against the Tutsi, in 1994, the harassment of Rwandans in Uganda became the order of the day.

Uganda’s Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) cooperates with RNC operatives in hunting down innocent Rwandans in Uganda.  Those who refuse to join or contribute funds to RNC are especially targeted for harassment, torture, or death.

Having appealed to Ugandan authorities to end the targeting and killing of Rwandans to no avail, Kigali in February 2019 issued an advisory to Rwandans not travel to Uganda, as it was no longer safe for them.

In the process, Gatuna border crossing  was closed for construction of One-Stop border post - though for wrong reasons Ugandan officials and media distorted the story alleging that Rwanda intentionally closed its border with Uganda - leaving the other common border points open. Amidst distortions by Ugandan leadership and media,  people in Kabale district whose livelihood depended on cross-border trade loudly complained, accusing President Yoweri Museveni of ruining their lives since the crimes committed by his government against Rwandan travelers had necessitated the closure of the border.

As Museveni continued to feel the pressure over Gatuna border's closure, he  told Ugandans that trade at the border will continue after all.

"Even if the border is closed trade will go on...through smuggling. You can't stop trade through border administration,” Museveni counselled on May 15, 2019. With those words, the Ugandan dictator was publicly urging Ugandans to engage in smuggling as an alternative to legitimate trade.

When encouraging Ugandans to use unofficial and illegal routes on the porous border to smuggle goods into Rwanda, Museveni very well knew it was not only risky but also criminal.

As expected, Ugandans heeded their leader's call and were prepared to do whatever it took, including physically taking on Rwandan Police personnel enforcing the law along the border.

Following Museveni's pronouncement, the smugglers were emboldened with a feeling of invincibility, since they had their government's support and encouragement. They relied on a false sense of state protection and some of them still go as far as assaulting Rwandan law enforcement officers.

There have been no complaints by Ugandans who travel to Rwanda through legal border points. Rwanda has no problem with Ugandan citizens visiting through its official border crossings.   

What Rwanda does not tolerate, however, is smuggling through the illegal porous border routes which Ugandan authorities, clearly, want to legitimize.  
