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Unmasking self-appointed DRC expert Jason Stearns


Jason Stearns.

American saboteur Jason Stearns has, since 2001, appointed himself expert on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and his reports have been at the center of controversy. He was expelled from DRC under President Joseph Kabila for reasons including lying about his visa application and hiding his location as he was invited by an unregistered NGO.

Ever since Felix Tshisekedi took office, in 2019, Stearns’ reports aligned with Tshisekedi’s propaganda, raising more questions about his credibility.

On August 6, two research groups on DRC linked to Stearns: Ebutuli (the Congolese Institute for Research on Politics, Governance, and Violence), and the Congo Research Group, jointly published a report on the resurgence of M23, asserting that it is a result of external tension between Rwanda and Uganda over the control of DRC.

This is not an investigative report but a continued campaign by Tshisekedi as part of a strategy to divert attention from the real causes of insecurity in DRC, and aiming to shift the responsibility away from the Congolese government and portraying them as victims.

Stearns’ report quotes statements Tshisekedi said during a conversation with the Brookings Institution, on July 24, during a video conference. This shows Stearns' efforts to gain sympathy from Tshisekedi in the hope of being allowed to return as a researcher in DRC.

In his reports, Stearns downplays the threat of the FDLR, a genocidal group formed by individuals responsible for the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and numerous atrocities in the region.

Stearns consistently blames Rwanda for the creation of M23 rebels while ignoring the grievances and suffering of the group whose community continues to be persecuted by their own government and denied their rights as Congolese citizens. Stearns always points out Rwanda and exonerates the Congolese government from its primary responsibility and role in the conflict.

While making the Congolese conflict appear external, Stearns pretends ignorance of the failure of the Congolese government to implement the Luanda and Nairobi peace agreements, among others.

Stearns' reports exonerate the government of DRC from promoting hate speech against the Congolese Tutsi. He lies that the latest conflict is a result of M23’s resurgence. Since the UN Special Envoy on Genocide Prevention Alice Nderitu Wairimu condemned hate speech against the Tutsi in DRC, Stearns could not deny its existence but decided to justify it.

Even if Stearns wants to portray M23 as a creation of Rwanda, M23 is a Congolese movement comprising individuals from different tribes, and the regions under M23 control are some of the most peaceful in the country, with the group advocating for unity rather than xenophobia.

Stearns wants to mislead the international community to present M23 as a source of insecurity in DRC, a country which has more than 250 armed groups. The media’s reliance on Stearns’ misinformation only worsens the insecurity in DRC.

Today, the country is facing several challenges including rampant corruption, and insecurity. Misinformation, as propagated by individuals like Stearns, does not resolve the insecurity in east DRC. By presenting biased and self-serving narratives, Stearns damages efforts to address the root causes of conflict and perpetuates divisions within the country.
