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Commonwealth Day: Celebrating global partnerships


The day, joining together with the 53 other members of the Commonwealth, Rwanda is celebrating Commonwealth Day. This annual observation is a chance to come together to recognise the friendship and partnerships between a family of nations that spans across the globe. 

The theme of Commonwealth Day, traditionally aligned to the next Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) is ‘Delivering a Common Future’. This message remains particularly resonant given what the world has been through in the past two years as Covid-19 has taken us backward in so many areas.

An increased number of young people around the world do not have access to quality education and are struggling to find decent jobs; gender inequalities have further deepened; and disparities still exist in access to technology. In addition, our planet is standing at the precipice of a climate crisis and the geopolitical landscape becomes ever more fraught.

The Covid-19 pandemic has also highlighted, for better or for worse, the interconnectedness and interdependence of the international community. It is clear that cooperation and solidarity between countries are needed more than ever. 

As the world gears up towards “building back better” from the global health crisis, Rwanda and our fellow member countries face both shared goals and shared challenges. In this context, the Commonwealth that is home to about 30% of the world’s population, is a relevant platform to explore how countries can work together towards a brighter common future. 

In just over three months and after two consecutive postponements due to the global pandemic, Kigali will host CHOGM. This will constitute a historic moment for both Rwanda and the organisation. For the first time, CHOGM will been held in a country with no history of British colonial rule. This reflects the Commonwealth’s forward-facing agenda, oriented towards broader partnerships and collaboration in pursuit of common goals. 

Through the different elements of CHOGM, representatives of youth, women, civil society, and business actors will meet with leaders to discuss current issues in the political, economic, social, and environmental spheres, and propose tangible actions to address them. CHOGM will also serve as a space for exchange and learning, contributing to strengthening the bonds within the Commonwealth.

Over the past decade, Rwanda has become one of the premium destinations for tourism as well as major events and conferences, welcoming visitors from around the world. This June, we will have the opportunity to share Rwanda’s journey to transformation over the last 28 years, and showcase to visiting delegations our culture and hospitality as well as ongoing efforts to accelerate economic recovery. 

On this Commonwealth Day, we come together to celebrate the 2.4 billion people who make up our community and reaffirm Rwanda’s commitment as an active voice in our global family of nations, especially during the two years of our Chair-in-Office. 

We look forward to June as we prepare to host our brothers and sisters from the Commonwealth for a safe, seamless and memorable CHOGM. 

Source: www.newtimes.co.rw
