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Rwanda’s youth volunteers; little known development partners


The Rwandan youth volunteers can be identified as the new generation aiming at voluntarily supporting their country’s ways of development, without targeting remuneration. 


They were celebrated mainly for their enduring role in fighting against Covid-19. Their contribution stood out when it counted the most, as they swiftly answered the call to help in keeping their compatriots safe from a pandemic that killed millions of people worldwide. 


Though their sustained contribution to national development programs is little known, they are behind numerious achievements in the country. 


Youth volunteers have made Rwandans understand that volunteerism does not benefit the country only but that they too, find themselves at the receiving end. It is their extraordinary thinking that they are always top beneficiaries of their deeds as youth represent close to 70 per cent of the Rwandan population. 


They believe that the volunteerism program is a good opportunity for them to actively contribute to national development. 


The Rwandan youth volunteers’ contribution to national development programs is estimated at Rwf 3.2 billion annually. 


What exactly do they do? How do they do it? How sustainable is youth volunteerism in Rwanda?


The youth volunteers’ scope has expanded to the extent that they are contributing in various sectors including agriculture, environment protection, health, housing for the needy, construction of sanitation infrastructures and human security projects.


For instance, in environmental protection, youth volunteers contributed to preventing soil erosion through a combined approach. Their activities were done on a total of 6,503 hectares across the country. 


In the housing sector, they have saved thousands of lives from homelessness. Youth volunteers constructed 168 houses for the needy, rehabilitated 459 houses that were in an appalling state and also did some paving works to 649 houses. 


In sanitation, these young men and women have built a total of 1,070 latrines and 725 more are currently under construction and will soon be handed over to their owners.  This is a great contribution that has a multiplier effect on a number of aspects that promote the social well-being of the people.


In human security, youth volunteers have cultivated 8,110 home based vegetable gardens across the country that contribute to preventing malnutrition, especially in children. 


The youth volunteers are also well up in following up the functioning of early childhood development centers, mainly in rural areas. These centers contribute a lot in improving early education in children hence creating the prospects for improved lives in the future.


The famous green vests are not just Covid-19 prevention experts, they are multi-sectoral and need to be reinforced as their mission equally needs to be sustained.  
