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Seven reasons why RPF-Inkotanyi remains on the right path


This Sunday, April 2, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF-Inkotanyi) celebrates 35 years of existence. Having inherited a completely destroyed nation after stopping the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, the party has led the re-construction of Rwanda and turned the country into one of the role models of rapid socioeconomic transformation, democracy, security and efficiency on the African continent and beyond.

Currently focused at consolidating all efforts toward shaping a prosperous Rwanda that every citizen wants, RPF’s sustained highest success and popularity among Rwandans at home and abroad continues to defy the myth about African revolutions that are usually known to fail to sustain citizens’ buy-in and support over time.

As we reflect on RPF’s 35-year journey, it is worth sharing an analysis of key factors that have contributed to the achievements and that still continue to keep RPF-Inkotanyi on a path of success:

1.            Revolutionary and transformational agenda (RPF’s 9-point political programme): RPF’s political agenda is built on nine golden pillars; unity of all Rwandans, sovereignty and security of Rwanda, zero tolerance to corruption, international relations, economic development, democratic leadership, social welfare, eliminating all causes of refugee status, and fighting genocide and its ideology. This deep understanding and commitment to what Rwandans want and need have been key to national success.


2.            Inclusiveness: Rwanda’s political history was marked by discriminatory politics and segregation where not all of the facets of society were welcome to any political party they may choose to join. For RPF, national unity begins within the party itself. The party is a large family that all Rwandans are welcome to join and equally contribute to their country’s leadership, and this principle of inclusiveness is even observed throughout all party-strengthening undertakings such as recruitment, coalition, grassroots structure setting, mobilisation style and capacity building.

3.            Discipline: At all levels, RPF has instilled a strict code of conduct among all members regardless of their level vis-à-vis the party’s initial values and guiding principles. As such, highest levels of discipline, loyalty and the spirit of sacrifice are remarkable across the party’s members. As is always voiced at the highest level, particularly through its Chairman, President Paul Kagame: “No individual in the party can assume to be bigger than the whole, and straying from what the party stands for cannot go unpunished”

4.            Pro-people delivery and accountability: As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “whatever you do for me but without me, you do against me”. For RPF, the citizen is at the centre of governance and the country’s citizens participate in the country’s governance. They participate by voicing their ideas so that their problems may be solved, by electing their leaders, by implementing solutions to their problems and by removing these leaders whenever they are unable to carry out their obligations.

5.            Involvement and empowerment of younger generations: RPF believes that youth are a golden force that powers lasting positive change and rapid transformation that Rwanda envisages. Therefore, youth integration, mentorship and empowerment are at the forefront of the party’s leadership strategy as it is stipulated by its current manifesto (2017-2024). The latter even puts into provision the “RPF Leadership Academy” to ensure that new and young RPF cadres continue to effectively be nurtured, a move that prevents “gerontocracy” and “dinosaur” leadership, which is often observed as the main cause of decadence for many African ruling parties.

6.            Self-reliance: One of the main factors that prevent any political party from focusing is the lack of proper resources or financing, which can even lead to deviation from the initial agenda to please external supporters. Over the last 35 years, RPF has always believed in self-reliance and used this as a key approach to its leadership of the nation. RPF has built a strong internal mechanism of financing, mainly through members’ contributions at all levels as well as strategic investments. Currently, the party has adequate offices and vibrant operations at all levels.


7.            Leading with efficiency: As John C. Maxwell once said, "everything rises and falls on leadership”. The RPF’s 35-year journey of uncompromised success comes from the party’s day-to-day focus on ensuring that it continues to exercise stronger, tougher, responsible and respected leadership that puts the spirit of accountability and delivery first.

8.            Through creating a conducive environment for all Rwandans to contribute to their country’s governance and development, RPF’s focus on sections of society that were previously less represented, such as women and youth, makes the task of delivering on each of the above factors not only possible but also participatory and sustainable.


Through its unwavering commitment to these pro-people, inclusive governance principles, the RPF-Inkotanyi has won the hearts of Rwandans. Citizens have indeed bestowed their confidence in the RPF-Inkotanyi to maintain Rwandans’ unity, and lead the nation towards prosperity, which is underpinned by the party’s motto: unity, democracy, and development.

Without a doubt, RPF-Inkotanyi’s achievements – and indeed the people of Rwanda’s – serve as a perfect example of how leadership’s commitment to good politics, discipline and accountability is critical in nation-building and holistic socioeconomic transformation.


Author: Prof. Pierre-Damien Habumuremyi (PhD) is an RPF Cadre and Political Science Expert, and Patrice Habinshuti (PhD) is a Development Expert.
