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A glimpse at Rwandan mass murderers’ offsprings carrying genocidal baton abroad


On April 8, Jambo Asbl attended the 29th commemoration of the 1994 genocide against Tutsi and 10 Belgian UN peacekeepers murdered by Hutu extremists in 1994.


The event, organized by a private association, was held in the city of Mons, the capital of Hainaut province in Belgium’s Walloon Region. To the uninformed audience, Jambo’s presence in the Memorial event, appeared to be a nice gesture.


But it was an intentional insult on the memory of the victims, mockery to survivors, and a threat to the fight against the recurrence of genocide.


Founded in 2008, Jambo Asbl is a negationist platform that consists of children of the masterminds as well as perpetrators of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, in Rwanda. Their aim is to negate and deny the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, spread genocide ideology and hate. The genocidaires’ offsprings pretend to be a harmless diaspora youth association, yet they promote the double genocide theory, hate speech and genocide ideology using different strategies including commemorating the genocide against the Tutsi as mockery service in favor of their genocidaire parents.  


Some of them maliciously claim to be victims of the genocide. They deliberately refuse to recognize that the 1994 Genocide targeted solely the Tutsi. They advance the narrative that it was the shooting of the presidential plane on April 6 that triggered a ‘civil war’ basically, claiming that the Tutsi and Hutu were killing each other.


Legally, criminal liability is direct and personal, however members of Jambo Asbl are hiding behind the venomous anger over the prosecution of their parents to white-wash their dark agenda. They fabricate stories and bribe witnesses to shift the blame on the victims and cover up their parents’ crimes. Their background reveals that they inherited hate and genocide ideology from their parents.


The founder and former president of Jambo Asbl, Placide Kayumba, for example, is a son of genocide convict Dominique Ntawukuriryayo who, in 1994, was a sub-préfet in the Butare préfecture in charge of Gisagara sous-prefecture.


Ntawukuriryayo led a massacre on Kabuye hill where more than 30, 000 Tutsi were killed between April 21 and 25, 1994. He addressed numerous meetings in Gikoro, Mudabori and Nyaruhengeri where he, among others, promised to reward those who would kill the big number of Tutsi. During this period, his son, Kayumba was well protected and applauding his father’s actions, besides mocking the Tutsi children of the same age who were being killed or orphaned.


In 2010, Ntawukuriryayo was sentenced to 25 years by ICTR for genocide related crimes, a sentence reduced on appeal to 20 years' imprisonment, in December 2011.


Kayumba is also president of FDU-Inkingi, an association of genocide fugitives that escaped justice, genocide deniers and double genocide advocates hiding behind political activism to evade justice.  


The current president of Jambo, Robert Mugabowindekwe, is the son of Lt Col Ephrem Rwabalinda, a former adviser to the chief of Staff of the former Rwandan genocidal regime’s army. Despite being involved in meetings that planned to massacre the Tutsi, in May 1994 he traveled to France to seek for support – largely military equipment – to help the genocidal government continue exterminating the Tutsi. He died in June 1994. His son, Mugabowindekwe, was not ashamed of his father’s crimes, and opted to mock the victims.


Natacha Abingeneye, the former leader of Jambo, is the daughter of Juvénal Uwiringiyimana, a former Minister of Commerce and Industry and a senior member of the then ruling party, MRND. He was also the founder of Interahamwe militia in Kiyove Commune, Gisenyi. Interahamwe were one of the main militia groups mobilised and armed by the genocidal regime to perpetrate the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi.


Before and during the genocide, Uwiringiyimana incited, coordinated and supported massacres especially in Gisenyi. In May 1994, he rewarded Interahamwe leader with 100,000 Rwandan francs for a ‘job well done’ by masterminding the slaughtering of the Tutsi. In June 2005, Uwiringiyimana was indicted by the ICTR for Genocide crimes. He died before his case could be settled.


Instead of distancing herself from her father’s evil, Abingeneye is doing worse by denying the Genocide and hurting her father’s victims more.

Ruhumuza Mbonyumutwa, Patrice Rudatinya Mbonyumutwa and Gustave Mutware Mbonyumutwa, all founder members of Jambo Asbl, are the sons of Shingiro Mbonyumutwa and grandsons of Dominique Mbonyumutwa, who served as the interim first President of Rwanda for a period of nine months in 1961.


Dominique Mbonyumutwa is the one of the architects of the extremist PARMEHUTU political party that introduced ethnic cleansing, in 1959. Shingiro Mbonyumutwa was a Genocide fugitive who was a member of the MDR-Power extremist party. He died in February 2022 before facing justice.  He served as Chief of Staff of Prime Minister Jean Kambanda during the Genocide.


Patrice Mbonyumutwa is based in Luxembourg and is the Vice-President of the Belgian section of FDU-Inkingi. In 1994, he was a student in the National University of Rwanda at Mburabuturo in Kigali and the Head of CDR, a Hutu extremist political party which played a big role in the genocidal propaganda and was heavily involved in implementing the genocide.


Gustave Mutware Mbonyumutwa is the organizer of all conferences meant to clear their father’s role during the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. Ruhumuza Mbonyumutwa is an editor at Jambo news, a news website that promotes double genocide and negates the genocide against the Tutsi.

Laura Uwase, an editor in Jambo News, is the daughter of genocidaire Nkundakozera Anastase and Agnes Mukarugomwa, a prominent MRND activist who was in charge of information in the ministry of Internal security in 1994. Mukarugomwa owns Ikondera Libre, an internet-based media outlet which promotes her virulent genocide ideology and openly is denying the genocide against the Tutsi.


Born in January 1992, Uwase was only two years old during the genocide in 1994, meaning that she was brainwashed by her parents, and friends, just like the Mbonyumutwa family.


These are all just some of those who have decided to speak publicly.


But there are many more members and former affiliates of the genocidal regime in exile who use online anonymity to continue propagating the genocide ideology. Their goal is to minimize the genocide against the Tutsi, and advance a double genocide narrative while feigning to be human rights activists or political opponents.


They have carefully infiltrated many international media houses and international organizations which they persuade to promote their evil cause. By doing this, they hope that one day they will return to Rwanda, overthrow the current government and finish what their parents started – exterminating the Tutsi. 
